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Bullet List


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I am using Excel and EP to upload my products. I can't seem to figure out how to create a button list in the middle of a cell. I tried to do a Micro$oft search, but nothing that says how to do that. Will I be able to do this with Excel or will I have to manually edit the description once uploaded?




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I am using Excel and EP to upload my products. I can't seem to figure out how to create a button list in the middle of a cell. I tried to do a Micro$oft search, but nothing that says how to do that. Will I be able to do this with Excel or will I have to manually edit the description once uploaded?





I got it figured out. I went in and manually added a product that contained a bulletted list in the description then d/l'd it with EP and voila!


If anyone is curious, I found the the code < LI > give you a basic bullet while < UL > < LI > gives you an indented list with bullets. Of course you have to define the < table > as well for the < UL > (no spaces of course between the < code > )



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