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Way to seperate listed products by Manufacturer?


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When the bottom category is reached and all the products of a particular category are displayed, they're sorted by manufacturer but they run together. I'm wondering if anyone has a way to maybe draw a seperator or display the manufacturers name above their products in that category. I'm thinking it's probably just a matter of sticking a while loop in product_listing.php, but I wanted to see if anyone had done it first. To see what I'm talking about check out:




Not an OSC shop, but that's the idea.


Thanks all.

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Hi not sure if this will be any help, I am only a novice when it comes to programming and have to call in my 18yr old son. When we were configuring my site, on one of the categories I had three distinct groups of products by different manufacturers. My son put in three sub catagories one for each manufacturer and on the live site when that category is selected it then gives a choice of the three sub catagories with each manufacturer on their own page. He did this in admin/categories as far as I can remember without having to do anything too technical. Hope this helps. :)

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  • 1 month later...
Hi not sure if this will be any help, I am only a novice when it comes to programming and have to call in my 18yr old son. When we were configuring my site, on one of the categories I had three distinct groups of products by different manufacturers. My son put in three sub catagories one for each manufacturer and on the live site when that category is selected it then gives a choice of the three sub catagories with each manufacturer on their own page. He did this in admin/categories as far as I can remember without having to do anything too technical. Hope this helps. :)


I am having this same problem. I don't understand how to create the sub catagorie. Any help would be apprciated.

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Hi Go into admin, Categories/products.

Highlight the category that you want subcategories for

Open the category

At the bottom of the page select 'new category'

You can then name your new category add an image and a sort order

You can then put all your products into the applicable sub categories and when a customer clicks on site they will be given the choice of the sub categories.

Hope this helps :)

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