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Credit Card Error


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I wanted to collect the 3 digit cvv from the back of the credit card and pass it to authorize.net. To do that I installed 'cvv2 for entire order', downloaded "credit card with cvv2" and replaced cc.php and cc_validation.php with it.


When I tested with a credit card, I get 'Credit card Error'.


Has anybody experienced this problem or know how to fix it?


Your help is really needed.


Thanks a lot.

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I wanted to collect the 3 digit cvv from the back of the credit card and pass it to authorize.net. To do that I installed 'cvv2 for entire order', downloaded "credit card with cvv2" and replaced cc.php and cc_validation.php with it.


When I tested with a credit card, I get 'Credit card Error'.


Has anybody experienced this problem or know how to fix it?


Your help is really needed.


Thanks a lot.



Ok, I have more information above the "credit card Error" I was getting. I went to my admin area and clicked on 'payment' and the following error message was displayed:




Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class cc in /hsphere/local/home/myusere/mywebsite/catalog/includes/modules/payment/cc.php on line 13.


So, basically my life just got a little bit more complicated.


Please help me as much as you can.


God bless.

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Do you have the Authorize.net Contribution installed in your catalog?


You do not need the other contributions that you



You need the cc.php file. You don't

need the cc_validation.php file.





So I need only the cc.php?


What is the 'authorize.net contribution you refered to? the authorize.net v1.7 with curl fix?



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Yes, that is the contribution I am referring to.


Do you have that installed?



Ok, I have the authorize.net consolidated v1.7 with curl fix installed. I also have cc.php installed. I still do not see the cvv input field. Anybody knows what's going on or what i am doing wrong?


Please help.

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Are you absolutely sure that you have all of the files installed for Authorize.net?


For instance, can you check to see if you have this file:




I don't think your cc.php file has anything to do with authorize.net because

you are using Authorize.net's payment module.


I do have a question, though. Do you have the Authorize.net module

installed in your Admin panel? Under Modules and Payment, you should

have Authorize.net installed and enabled. The module "Credit Card"

should be disabled.


This is very important. Please check those two modules. Authorize.net

should be both installed and enabled. Credit card should be disabled.


Also, when you installed the new Authorize.net, did you first UNINSTALL

the old Authorize.net? You need to go in and uninstall it (in the Admin

Panel under Modules and Payment) before you install the new version.


Please check those items.

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