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[Contribution] More_pics_6 v1.1 For osC 2.2 MS2


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Anyone know why when I turn on "more pics" to actually appear on the product_info page, there is just one pic??


I can only view the extra pics by clicking on the 1 standard pic then click next and browsing the extra pics.


I would like to be able to show multiple pics at once.


Im using Image-Magik autothumbnailer. Is this buggering it all up then ?





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have you set the columns and rows in the admin -> configuration -> More Pics ?


Yes I have, heres what I've set it too...





And this is the result, even though 4 or 5 pics are loaded into this product... :(





BTW the popup image allows you to browse all the images, its just I want more than one image on my product page!





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First lets start with cleaning up your config. Looks like you have run the SQL more then once.

Run this SQL, it will delete all the More Pics options and replace the set once.


DELETE FROM `configuration` WHERE `configuration_group_id` = 6124;
INSERT INTO `configuration` ( `configuration_title`, `configuration_key`, `configuration_value`, `configuration_description`, `configuration_group_id`, `sort_order`, `last_modified`, `date_added`, `use_function`, `set_function`) VALUES ( 'Show All MorePics on Product Info page', 'MOPICS_SHOW_ALL_ON_PRODUCT_INFO', 'true', 'Show All extra images from the MorePics contrib on Product Info page.', 6124, NULL, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),');
INSERT INTO `configuration` ( `configuration_title`, `configuration_key`, `configuration_value`, `configuration_description`, `configuration_group_id`, `sort_order`, `last_modified`, `date_added`, `use_function`, `set_function`) VALUES ( 'Use SMALL_IMAGE_ Restrictions', 'MOPICS_RESTRICT_IMAGE_SIZE', 'true', 'Restrict product images to SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH and SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT values.', 6124, NULL, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),');
INSERT INTO `configuration` ( `configuration_title`, `configuration_key`, `configuration_value`, `configuration_description`, `configuration_group_id`, `sort_order`, `last_modified`, `date_added`, `use_function`, `set_function`) VALUES ( 'Table Alignment', 'MOPICS_TABLE_ALIGNMENT', 'right', 'Align Pics table to the left or to the right of the products description.', 6124, NULL, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''left'', ''right'', ''center''),');
INSERT INTO `configuration` ( `configuration_title`, `configuration_key`, `configuration_value`, `configuration_description`, `configuration_group_id`, `sort_order`, `last_modified`, `date_added`, `use_function`, `set_function`) VALUES ( 'Table Location', 'MOPICS_TABLE_LOCATION', 'sides', 'Align Pics table to the sides, above or below description.', 6124, NULL, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''sides'', ''above'', ''below''),');
INSERT INTO `configuration` ( `configuration_title`, `configuration_key`, `configuration_value`, `configuration_description`, `configuration_group_id`, `sort_order`, `last_modified`, `date_added`, `use_function`, `set_function`) VALUES ( 'Number of Columns', 'MOPICS_NUMBER_OF_COLS', '1', 'Number of columns to display.', 6124, NULL, now(), now(), NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `configuration` ( `configuration_title`, `configuration_key`, `configuration_value`, `configuration_description`, `configuration_group_id`, `sort_order`, `last_modified`, `date_added`, `use_function`, `set_function`) VALUES ( 'Number of Rows', 'MOPICS_NUMBER_OF_ROWS', '2', 'Number of rows to display.', 6124, NULL, now(), now(), NULL, NULL);


If that doesn't fix it, then I would be looking for some code that didn't get included in the product_info.php file.

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I'm trying to install this contrib but keep on getting the same error, even when using the original php files from the 1.1b package;


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in /wj-fashion.nl/public_html/teststore/admin/categories.php on line 723


I get this error when clicking 'categories' in my Admin.

When I use a modified categories.php which only contains the neccessary changes the problem stays, only the linenumber on which the error occurs differences.

My original categories.php works just fine, no errors.

I can't find and doubt that there is an error in the package's categories.php?

The store is for testing, before i install this contrib to my live store.

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But still theres only one product showing. :(

did you double check the code additions in the product_info.php?

try changing the Table Location in the admin configuration -> more pic to one of the other locations. same result?

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Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in /wj-fashion.nl/public_html/teststore/admin/categories.php on line 723

was that line number from the package's file or your mod?

what system and php version are you running this on?

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Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in /wj-fashion.nl/public_html/teststore/admin/categories.php on line 723

Sorry, I was looking at a newer version on my drive.

I found an extra "echo" at the end of that line. See if removing that extra echo statement clears that up.

			<td class="main"><?php echo TEXT_PRODUCTS_SUBIMAGE3; echo ?></td>

change to

			<td class="main"><?php echo TEXT_PRODUCTS_SUBIMAGE3; ?></td>

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Oh btw Surfalot, I managed to get it working in the end!


It was the product_info.php. There was a bit that you mark out with */ and I forgot to put that in and left it in!





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1054 - Unknown column 'p.products_subimage1' in 'field list'


I used the SQL listed earlier as I had issues with the one that is included.

What "issues" are you talking about?

The first six lines of the SQL file will take care of that error.

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What "issues" are you talking about?

The first six lines of the SQL file will take care of that error.


Well basically, the two times I've installed this contrib (for differrent stores) I've had to install both SQL files. The one that is included in the contrib and the one that you posted earlier in the thread (with the "remove" lines added). I'm sorry I can't give a better explanation, I don't really have a great grasp on MySQL yet.

I got it to work again and it is a great contribution. :)



Hopefully you might be able to answer this also surfalot. Do you know if your contrib can be used with the contrib imagemagic?? Or even another thumbnail contrib? thanks

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If you have trouble in the future, please post the error you are getting.


There is information about image magic on page 4 of this thread.

Edited by surfalot
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Nice contrib! :thumbsup:


However, I would like to make the popup image only resize once. On the initial open I would like it to open to the size of the biggest image and then not resize again like amazon.com does.


For example: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0007KQWG...5Fencoding=UTF8 has multiple images but the window just opens to the largest size on default. Its a little more professional that way I think, can you provide some insight on how to modify the code to do this?


Thanks in advance!

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Hi there,


I would love to install this contrb but have a number of other contributions already installed. Does anyone have list of the manual changes that I would need to make in order to install this?


I do not have or use any file compare software and woud like to install manually if possible?


Many thanks.

You will never learn if you don't try. And boy am I trying....!

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However, I would like to make the popup image only resize once. On the initial open I would like it to open to the size of the biggest image and then not resize again like amazon.com does.

The only thing that comes to mind at the moment would be to add php code to the top of popup_image.php that cycles through the available images and retrieves their height & width and keeps the max for each. php has a command that will retrieve the HxW of an image on the server. Then you drop the max height and width in the window.resizeTo() javascript function in that same file. that should prevent the window from resizing on each image.

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I would love to install this contrb but have a number of other contributions already installed. Does anyone have list of the manual changes that I would need to make in order to install this?

Sorry, not at the moment. I use Beyond Compare. It truly is beyond compare. It's well worth what they charge.


You can glean the manual changes from the files included in this package. All you have to do is Search each file for "BOF: More Pics 6". All changes that have been made are marked with this tag for that purpose.

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hey guys i installed the contribution, I can see More Pics under the Configuration tab in admin settings. But when i go to catalog then products and add a product it still only lets me add 1 pic? Maybe I installed it wrong? but i see More pics settings under config so I dont know whats going on.

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The only thing that comes to mind at the moment would be to add php code to the top of popup_image.php that cycles through the available images and retrieves their height & width and keeps the max for each. php has a command that will retrieve the HxW of an image on the server. Then you drop the max height and width in the window.resizeTo() javascript function in that same file. that should prevent the window from resizing on each image.



Thanks for the reply! Well after further investigation I think amazon is just opening a window about 580 pixel wide and then setting the height at a predetermined height as well.


What I did which seems to look a little better to me is set the width to 580 and then let the height automatically detect and it appears more professional to me that way only the height changes. You might give it a try on your site and see what you think. I'm pretty happy with the modifications so far.

Most Valuable OsCommerce Contributions:

Also Purchased (AP) Preselection (cuts this resource hogging query down to nothing) -- Contribution 3294

FedEx Automated Labels -- Contribution 2244

RMA Returns system -- Contribution 1136

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