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Help! Can't install - is PHP5 the problem?


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Although I have posted something similar before, I have had little response. I have set up a LAMP using FC4.


Once I try run the installation page, it will not progress to step 2 where I can assign the database and user. When I click on continue, the address reflects the request to go to ..../install.php?step=2.


The problem suggested last time I posted this question was that I was running PHP5. Now with the latest version downloaded (051213), I am having the same problem. Is the PHP5 likely to be the problem. Can anyine suggest another area to look at?


Thanks for any help....



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Although I have posted something similar before, I have had little response. I have set up a LAMP using FC4.


Once I try run the installation page, it will not progress to step 2 where I can assign the database and user. When I click on continue, the address reflects the request to go to ..../install.php?step=2.


The problem suggested last time I posted this question was that I was running PHP5. Now with the latest version downloaded (051213), I am having the same problem. Is the PHP5 likely to be the problem. Can anyine suggest another area to look at?


Thanks for any help....




I just started a new install on Windows 2000, PHP 5.0.5, MySql, osCommerce.

After getting past the 'register_globals' issue by editing httpd.conf, adding -

<Directory "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/...(my www root).../oscommerce">

AllowOverride All


At first I had 'AllowOverride Options'


After changing this I tried the 'install' again. and had the same problem as you.

But in your post I noted what you wrote about the line in your address bar.

I checked my address bar and it was identical.

Since the address bar did not match the page I clicked the "Refresh" button to force IE to reread the file instead of getting out of the local cache and then after clicking the "Retry" (or maybe it said "Refresh"), because IE6 comnplained about not being able to reload the page without refreshing the data refresh, then page two came up.



I just started a new install on Windows 2000, PHP 5.0.5, MySql, osCommerce.

After getting past the 'register_globals' issue by editing httpd.conf, adding -

<Directory "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/...(my www root).../oscommerce">

AllowOverride All


At first I had 'AllowOverride Options'


After changing this I tried the 'install' again. and had the same problem as you.

But in your post I noted what you wrote about the line in your address bar.

I checked my address bar and it was identical.

Since the address bar did not match the page I clicked the "Refresh" button to force IE to reread the file instead of getting out of the local cache and then after clicking the "Retry" (or maybe it said "Refresh"), because IE6 comnplained about not being able to reload the page without refreshing the data refresh, then page two came up. But the install will not go one to page 3. After restarting the instal and clearing out my local cache, the install won't go on to page 2 now.

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You should upgrade to the Milestone Update Package.




Thanks Matti,


I had already done this. But just for good measure I did it again, and again with the same problem.


I have never come accross anything like this so have no ideas of where to turn. Any suggestions?




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