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Error when adding category image


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Can someone please help me with this.


I have setup categories for my items, if I added an image when creating the category then all is good, however when I try to add an image for the categories I did not give images to, I now get


"Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: upload in /home/faelsafe/public_html/admin/categories.php on line 80"


Anyone have any ideas why?

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turned out I was missing a couple of lines from my application_top.php in the admin\includes directory.


The code I was missing was:

// file uploading class


I found in a couple of topics it said I may be missing the following:


// file uploading class
require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'upload.php');


however for some reason the DIR_WS_CLASSES would not work, so I changed it to the above and bish bash bosh, we're off!

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