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session id killer


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If you are referring to Ultimate SEO, the SID's go away when the visitor has cookies for the page being viewed. I'm not sure if this is how it works for the other SEF contribtuions.



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You have several options....But first double check that your includes/configure.php cookies path is correctly set.


The sids are supposed to show only one time on the first link/product you visite on your site ...then they do not show again...That is unless the cookie path is set wrong in includes/configure.php or that you have set your browser to not accept cookies.


There are 2 standard ways of stopping the search engine bots from getting sids....


1. You go to your shop admin >> Configure >> Session and set Prevent Spider Sessions to True


Att. when using this metode, remeber to go to the contribution section and get the latest Updated spiders.txt and upload it to your shops /includes/ directory




2. You go to your shop admin >> Configure >> Session and set Force Cookies to True



There are some other ways to but they require quite a bit more modding.

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here's my config:

Session Directory /home/**/public_html/tmpfile

Force Cookie Use False Info

Check SSL Session ID False Info

Check User Agent False Info

Check IP Address False Info

Prevent Spider Sessions True Info

Recreate Session True



i need the

Force Cookie Use False

or my who's online enhancement doesn't work


i have an updated spiders.txt as well

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i tried that, but they're still showing up.

this only seems to be happening when the enter via:

http://www.mysite.com/ or http://www.mysite.com/index.html


when entering via http://www.mysite.com it doesn't happen



Check the setting for cookies path in the /includes/ folder for this file , configure.php

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define('HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN', '.mysite.com');

define('HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN', '.mysite.com');

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