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The e-commerce.

I want a link to the parent category


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I would like to have a link on the product page with text saying something like:

"For more products like this, Click Here"


"Click Here" would be a link to the category page that contains the other products in the same category as the currently displayed product. Preferably, this would be just above the product image (which I have aligned right) horizontally to the right of the product name.


Can anyone tell me how to do this?


Thanks in advance.


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Hi Mark,


Would this work?.........


Open the page you want people to go to, copy the location, then add it to your description of your product at the end some where saying "Click Here" with the link inserted?


As I stated before in another post, I'm not sure if it'll break the session id or not. Test it out.



Hope that helps!




"What I didn't know yesterday, I know today & will remember tomorrow"

(By Kwalker)


What do you see when you open up the tep_database-pr2.2-CVS.pdf file that came with your osCommerce download?

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I would like to have a link on the product page with text saying something like:

"For more products like this, Click Here"


"Click Here" would be a link to the category page that contains the other products in the same category as the currently displayed product. Preferably, this would be just above the product image (which I have aligned right) horizontally to the right of the product name.


Can anyone tell me how to do this?


Thanks in advance.



there is a contribution that allows you to browse other products in the same sub-category as the product you are viewing. Was written by chemo and works really well.

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Hi Mark,


Would this work?.........


Open the page you want people to go to, copy the location, then add it to your description of your product at the end some where saying "Click Here" with the link inserted?


As I stated before in another post, I'm not sure if it'll break the session id or not. Test it out.

Hope that helps!


This way I would have to edit the description of every product to add that link. I'm looking for something that will add the link to the product info page so I only have to insert the code once.


The contrib suggest by carrerarod (Thumbnail Category Browse) looks like it will do this. Even better, it doesn't just add a link, it shows images of other items in the category. COOL.


But thanks anyway.


And thank you too, carrerarod.

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