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The e-commerce.

Doomed first foray into SQL...


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OK so, I attempted a full overhaul of the manufacturer entries exchanging them for designer throughout my store. Probably too ambitious, but I am learning. So, I exchange all instances of the word manufacturer and exchange it for designer throughout my cart folder and its subfolders, matching case in each replacement. (Yes I used tools to search and replace.) I also did the same in my SQL database.


Anyway, when the designer database is empty my osCommerce Admin panel sees and handles it fine. But when I add in designers when I go back to the designer page I get:


1054 - Unknown column 'designers_id' in 'where clause'


select count(*) as products_count from products where designers_id = '12'


Being pretty new to SQL and PHP, I'm not surprised. But I'm having a hard time figuring out where the issue is or how to go about fixing it. Yes, I could do a clean install and do everything over, but if possible I'd like to learn how to address this or at least how to go about diagnosing it.



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Naturally, part of the problem solving process is to ask for help and then solve it before you get an answer. IF I hadn't asked I'd still be clueless.


SO... what I learned... phpMyAdmin's search function is less than perfect. Found the offending database listing and corrected it. Search missed it...


And the world breathes a sigh of relief... for now.



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