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HELP combining UltraPics and HeaderTags


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Hi - long time reader, firt time post!


I'm a newbie-first time doing a shopping cart. I've got my shop happening. Ive added STS and the HeaderTags contrib and now I want to add UltraPics... but am confused and scared. I dont want to upload the UltraPics files and destroy the HeaderTags stuff. How to I combine them? I've added the UltraPics code to product_info.php and popup_image.php - but changing admin/categories.php is quite scary where there is some HeaderTags changes that ive added and i dont know what to keep or not... not actually knowing php.


So can anyone share their admin/categories.php file? And any other files that needs to be edited to cater for both contribs. Or any good tutorials on how to add both. The documents say little and Ive searched the forums and cant find what im after.


Appreciate any help.

Very scary, yet very cool - this new pandora's box i have opened.



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