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The e-commerce.

image upload error


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When attempting to add products to my store, I get this error on the top of my page:


Error: Catalog images directory is not writeable: /home/onebigbu/public_html/store/images/


Any ideas what I need to do?

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The problem has to do with file permissions. The file permissions need to be set on your server. People usually refer to these settings as chmod. There are numbers like 777, 755 and 644 that have to do with who has permission to use a file or folder. I believe the image folder needs to be set to chmod 777.


Search this forum for 'chmod' and also follow this link to learn what to do.



The question you are asking is a basic one that needs to be studied further on the forum and in the documentation that comes with your installation.


I realize this is a bit of work on your part to do the necessary studying, but I promise you that looking around the forum and reading the doumentation will help you to learn osCommerce better than just asking for help.


After reading this, your next question will be: chmod, change file permissions, how do I do that? The way I do it is I open a Vdeck session. This is a way my server host has given me to make changes on the server. This is where I installed osCommerce. Other people have cPanel and others use a program call filezilla.


Good luck with your new site.



If I'm giving advice, it is based on what path I would take to fix your problem. My path may be wrong.

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