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Tax Zone Problems


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Have run into a small problem - I've set up the Tax Zones with NY state taxes and thought that everything was going good. But when someone from another state sets up an account and then goes through the check-out process, they are charged with the tax as well. I thought the Tax Zone would only charge to people in NY state - or is my thinking wrong on that? If so, is there a way to set the config for this?

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1) under Tax Zones you should have a zone for just NY, if not create one. Then click on Details, and make sure the only thing listed is Country->United States, Zone->New York and make sure it's the only one. Delete any others, and edit the single one as above if it's not already


2) Then check Tax Classes, you probably should have the default Taxable Goods, that's fine.


3) Next, Tax Rates. You need a line there that has Taxable Goods as a Tax Class, the name of the Tax Zone from step one (probably NY or New York, whatever you named it). and the rate for NY under Tax Rate.



This is how ours are setup (having Ohio inplace of New York), and have had no problems.

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Thanks for the quick answer.


That's how we have ours set up - one Tax Zone for New York, the two tax classes (Taxable Goods and Clothing under $110) and then the tax rates to tie the two togther. But the system seems to be ignoring this and assigning the tax rates to everyone.

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Thanks for the quick answer.


That's how we have ours set up - one Tax Zone for New York, the two tax classes (Taxable Goods and Clothing under $110) and then the tax rates to tie the two togther. But the system seems to be ignoring this and assigning the tax rates to everyone.


This is most likely your solution as mine was doing the same thing. Once you do this, your products will be your price w/o the tax and then when a NY customer signs in, they prices displayed will be with the tax added.


1) under Tax Zones you should have a zone for just NY, if not create one. Then click on Details, and make sure the only thing listed is Country->United States, Zone->New York and make sure it's the only one. Delete any others, and edit the single one as above if it's not already

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  • 2 weeks later...


did you get any resolution to this? I am having the same prob of customers outside the zone being charged gst and it is driving me (and my client) nuts.

I heard that it could be the relation of the tax id to the products but am not sure how to check that, but I have deleted all my tax info and reloaded and added new products but same prob. Should that set up the new id?

Here's how I set up the system.

Under Zones I have added Country:New Zealand Zones:New Zealand Code:New Zealand

Then under Tax Zones I have Zones:New Zealand which is a folder. In that I had Country:New Zealand and Zone:New Zealand this actually stops my gst from showing up whether I'm logged in from Australia or NZ so I deleted it and the gst shows up again (but for everyone)

Then under Tax Classes I have Tax Class:GST

Then under Tax Rate I have Priority:0 Tax Class:GST Zone:New Zealand Tax Rate:12.5%

I can't figure it out.

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did you get any resolution to this? I am having the same prob of customers outside the zone being charged gst and it is driving me (and my client) nuts.

I heard that it could be the relation of the tax id to the products but am not sure how to check that, but I have deleted all my tax info and reloaded and added new products but same prob. Should that set up the new id?

Here's how I set up the system.

Under Zones I have added Country:New Zealand Zones:New Zealand Code:New Zealand

Then under Tax Zones I have Zones:New Zealand which is a folder. In that I had Country:New Zealand and Zone:New Zealand this actually stops my gst from showing up whether I'm logged in from Australia or NZ so I deleted it and the gst shows up again (but for everyone)

Then under Tax Classes I have Tax Class:GST

Then under Tax Rate I have Priority:0 Tax Class:GST Zone:New Zealand Tax Rate:12.5%

I can't figure it out.


Hi -

The problem that I was having was I was not going far enough in the Tax Zone set up. Under Tax Zones I created the folder for New York state, but then did not click on the folder to assign the state and country to the tax zone so the system was assigning tax to everyone. My problem was solved once I did this. The only way I know to check the tax class to products is on the product detail screen in the admin section. On the product detail screen, afer the product price, select the tax class for the product from the drop down box.


Good luck.

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Hi -

The problem that I was having was I was not going far enough in the Tax Zone set up. Under Tax Zones I created the folder for New York state, but then did not click on the folder to assign the state and country to the tax zone so the system was assigning tax to everyone. My problem was solved once I did this. The only way I know to check the tax class to products is on the product detail screen in the admin section. On the product detail screen, afer the product price, select the tax class for the product from the drop down box.


Good luck.


Thanks but darn it, I had my New Zealand GST Zone in there and it caused it to not charge anyone from any country gst. When I removed it, it charged everyone gst.

Thanks for your reply

Any ideas anyone?

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Hi. Tom (Zip1) from the creloaded site finally got this sorted for me. Here is the reply. Hope it helps others.



You must install the state/provines for New Zealand.


In the creloaded 6.15 instal/sql directory is a file called worldzones.sql

Its an older version so it may need updated.


The code checks for states/provinces when calculating taxes. If the customer is using a state/province that is not in thegeo_ zones table then calculating taxes won't kick in andit won't caculate any taxes.

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