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Greek character problem in Catagories


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I'm currently setting up a store with the English and Greek languages installed. If the catagory has more than five Greek characters, the remaining characters are replaced with


For example, the catagory "βιβλία" becomes "βιβλί". This problem exists where Greek catagory names are used with either the English or Greek language.


I've noticed a couple of other people have reported similar problems, so any ideas as to how this may be solved would be greatly appreciated. Alternatively, if anyone has set up a store using Greek catagories and *hasn't* encountered these problems, I'd also be happy to hear from you. I'd also be interested to hear if this is a problem with other languages.




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I'm currently setting up a store with the English and Greek languages installed. If the catagory has more than five Greek characters, the remaining characters are replaced with


For example, the catagory "??????" becomes "?????". This problem exists where Greek catagory names are used with either the English or Greek language.

In the table categories_description where categories_name is saved the length of that name cannot be more than 32 characters since that field is of the type VARCHAR 32. As a hack you can make that a bigger number of course.

Apparently, your greek characters are saved as character entities (ampersand#184;) in the database taking up much more space (6 for each letter) than just the one letter.

Don't know how to change that though. Perhaps it is also a MySQL thing (might be saving text as iso-8859-1, perhaps need to save as Unicode?).

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