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Quantity for each attribute


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Hi! I'm looking to add product quantities to the different attributes, i.e. if I have 20 eyeshadows and 10 are brown and 10 are blue, I'd like to add the relevant quantity to each colour so it's marked out of stock when none is available and so avoiding having to e-mail the customers to tell them I don't have the colour they want... is there a way of doing this? :huh:

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Why not create two products, one for brown - one for blue? Or is that too simple for the thing you're trying to achieve?


I've done that with some of the items, but for others, I have something like 6 different colours for the same product and it would take too much time and space to create a picture for each colour. Also, from a customer point of view, I don't think I could be bothered if I saw so many pics of the same thing, if you know what I mean.


It would be ideal if the product quantity could be added onto the attributes so we can keep an eye on the product quantity and it's marked out of stock when the customer checks out and can't complain after...


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