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Password Retrieval From DB


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Hi all,

I would like to be able to deciphir my cusomters passwords in case of emergencies. Today, a order did not go through, but she got charged (another issue), but I'd like to go into her account and view her cart so she doesn't have to repeat her order to me.


Any ideas.

Its hashed in the db.



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Hi all,

I would like to be able to deciphir my cusomters passwords in case of emergencies. Today, a order did not go through, but she got charged (another issue), but I'd like to go into her account and view her cart so she doesn't have to repeat her order to me.


Any ideas.

Its hashed in the db.




Look for master password contribution. Saved me a few times from the embarassing "what did you order email?".


View thier cart... push the order through as "Cash/Check" and immediatly update their order with a "Payment received" update so they don't worry.

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