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The e-commerce.

md5 Hash for password.


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Hey there

I am trying to use the login info for oscommerce for logging into my room booking software which can also use md5 for the password.

It didn't work, and in debugging I got an error... that the md5 password entered doesn't match..


db md5 is '24c339b0244da907af869ca48e83960f:cf'

entered md5 is 5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592


My response from Sourceforge was as follows.




Well, that tells me the password field in your external

database isn't an MD5 hash. MD5 hashes are shown as 32

character hexadecimal numbers, whereas your database has a

34 numbers, with a colon separator.


Do you know how the password hash in the external database

is created?


Can anyone shed some light on this?

Thanks in advance.



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