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Official PayPal IPN Support Thread

Mark Evans

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Is it correct that this mod sends a return url for Paypal? So if I had a different return url set in my paypal account, it would not effect my stores payment process, the buyer would still be sent back to my store, correct? If the return url set in my paypal account is not for my OSC store, it wouldn't affect the payment process?

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Thanks Satish. I looks like the version I have is 2.2-CVS. I've read that most things are not compatible with 2.2-MS. Do you still think I'd be able to use the PayPal IPN module?


Also - where can I find English install instructions? I was going to test it and try to see if it worked on a test install I have, but everything I see is in French.


Thanks again.

Yes You should be.




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Hi Guys,

I'm sorry if this has asked before, but google and search has come up empty handed for me.

I have two stores, both with downloadable stock, one completely working no problems. The other is is having an issue where the buyer can return to the site and download the product with out paying.


I have compaired the ipn files, no change,

the settings in the payment area of the admin , no change,

I am completely baffled........ any help would be life saver.



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There is a order status setting for download to be allowed.

Chek that value.



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Is it correct that this mod sends a return url for Paypal? So if I had a different return url set in my paypal account, it would not effect my stores payment process, the buyer would still be sent back to my store, correct? If the return url set in my paypal account is not for my OSC store, it wouldn't affect the payment process?


Yes correct. doesnt matter what it says in the auto return, as long as auto return is enabled in your paypal it will return to any store it comes from. well for me I had to enable the auto return, It not clear if you have to or not but for me only way it works. but works on 2 different store urls and returns fine, even though my paypal is set to one url it overides it.

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I have installed this module today and the user interface works good! However, this horrible messege appeared inside my simulated customer account!!!


I logged in as a customer and fill in personal information. Then, I checked out with PayPal live gateway. Of course, I didnt pay and then pushed "back to merchant". Then, this message appeared in my account. Anybody can help me?? :"(..




1054 - Unknown column 's.public_flag' in 'where clause'


select o.orders_id, o.date_purchased, o.delivery_name, o.delivery_country, o.billing_name, o.billing_country, ot.text as order_total, s.orders_status_name from orders o, orders_total ot, orders_status s where o.customers_id = '3' and o.orders_id = ot.orders_id and ot.class = 'ot_total' and o.orders_status = s.orders_status_id and s.language_id = '1' and s.public_flag = '1' order by orders_id desc limit 3



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Yes correct. doesnt matter what it says in the auto return, as long as auto return is enabled in your paypal it will return to any store it comes from. well for me I had to enable the auto return, It not clear if you have to or not but for me only way it works. but works on 2 different store urls and returns fine, even though my paypal is set to one url it overides it.


Thank you..:)

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I have installed this module today and the user interface works good! However, this horrible messege appeared inside my simulated customer account!!!


I logged in as a customer and fill in personal information. Then, I checked out with PayPal live gateway. Of course, I didnt pay and then pushed "back to merchant". Then, this message appeared in my account. Anybody can help me?? :"(..




1054 - Unknown column 's.public_flag' in 'where clause'


select o.orders_id, o.date_purchased, o.delivery_name, o.delivery_country, o.billing_name, o.billing_country, ot.text as order_total, s.orders_status_name from orders o, orders_total ot, orders_status s where o.customers_id = '3' and o.orders_id = ot.orders_id and ot.class = 'ot_total' and o.orders_status = s.orders_status_id and s.language_id = '1' and s.public_flag = '1' order by orders_id desc limit 3



You are using RC2 of oscommerce but Your db fields are not added as needed.


Add public_flag field in orders_status.



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I found this from earlier on after reading 188 pages of this thread and I am getting this exact same error, Im just wondering if anyone has come up with a solution to this problem?


"This happens using my live and sandbox account.....

I add items to my cart, select PayPal(IPN) etc.

I click Confirm. I then get an error saying "ERROR DETECTED-Some required information is missing or incomplete. Please correct your entries and try again."



If I click the back button on the browser and press refresh so I'm back at conformation and then click "Confirm" it goes through perfect.

Also if I'm on the conformation page before getting the error and I hit F5(refresh) then click Confirm, The order goes through perfect.


Anyone got any idea's whats going on please ? "



Thanks in advance!

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I have spent a day trying to get this to work. Still failing. One bug after another fixed just to find yet another one.

I spotted an earlier post saying this was too buggy and they were going to use the 'PayPal Website Payments Standard'. I decided to activate/configure/test that. It worked straight out the box.


So, why does this contribution exist? What are the benefits? Should I persevere with this one for ANY reason?


Sorry to be negative but after a full day of banging my head against the same wall only to find the working solution was in front of me all the time is just a little frustrating.



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I have spent a day trying to get this to work. Still failing. One bug after another fixed just to find yet another one.

I spotted an earlier post saying this was too buggy and they were going to use the 'PayPal Website Payments Standard'. I decided to activate/configure/test that. It worked straight out the box.


So, why does this contribution exist? What are the benefits? Should I persevere with this one for ANY reason?


Sorry to be negative but after a full day of banging my head against the same wall only to find the working solution was in front of me all the time is just a little frustrating.



As I understand, the main purpose of PayPal IPN contribution is to save order card if for some reasons customer didn't return to your site after making payment. In such case if you use PayPal Website Payments Standard you will not have any information about order, exept of payment amount and address from the PayPal email.

PayPal IPN saves that data, so if customer will not return to site you will have it anyway.


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As I understand, the main purpose of PayPal IPN contribution is to save order card if for some reasons customer didn't return to your site after making payment. In such case if you use PayPal Website Payments Standard you will not have any information about order, exept of payment amount and address from the PayPal email.

PayPal IPN saves that data, so if customer will not return to site you will have it anyway.


OK, that may be a benefit. If V3 gets released I MIGHT give it a go. For now I have had enough of this and have better things to do.

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OK, that may be a benefit...


This is actually a HUGE benefit. You will know that after you will receive the payments and no information what customer ordered. Will you send a letter to customers? Will you call them? These customers will never return to your site again.

Edited by AlwaysNewbie


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OK, that may be a benefit. If V3 gets released I MIGHT give it a go. For now I have had enough of this and have better things to do.



That's being extremely unfair to both the osC and the mod developers, as well as to the PayPal tech teams


Have you THOROUGHLY checked YOUR versioning at your install to ensure full compatibility?


- osC version & IPN version?

Not every sub-version of the IPN mod works with every osC sub-version - there was a big code change in the checkout process between 2.2MS2 and 2.2RC1, plus additional changes between 2.2RC1 & 2.2RC2. Some of the IPN versions are written to ONLY work with 2.2MS2, others to only work with RC1 or RC2 - this is due to how and when the order is saved to the database (i.e. before or after customer returns/does not return from PayPal) amongst other factors - it is why CCGV(Trad) and other monster contribs only work with MS2 and not the RCs.


PHP, SQL versions - again there are differences that have caused hiccups

I have an RC1 install that I first put onto a 4.20 server on a UK host and added in over 100 contribs.

I then cloned it to a 5.x server in the US and redid the visuals etc, a month later I am still verifying all the site functions and contribs work - mostly they do, but I have found one or two that needed the odd tweak to bring them into the 5.x realm


Contrib Clashes

Have you checked if other installed contributions have caused a hiccup for the IPN - especially any that modify the checkout process (e.g. a not obvious one is the gift wrap contrib - it modifies the process, but thankfully causes no conflicts with the IPN).


Install & settings for IPN

A common problem is users simply ignoring some of the MUST-DO's in the instructions. These include things like the aggregate or per item setting, the clearing or setting of P&P table rates AT PAYPAL, setting the return call for the API at PayPal etc.


PayPal is a pain in the butt to get working 100% and stable (though looking at Google checkout, PayPal is easy to set up compared to all the 1-account per selling location + SSL compulsory etc that Google insist on). However, I got it working first time on both of the sites mentioned above, and on another MS2 site. I'm NOT a programmer, I'm a copy & paste instruction follower - if I can do it, anyone can.


A wise man once said, "It is a poor craftsman who blames his tools" - as I have found with osC, this is very true, and usually problems are not due to bugs and glitches (usually I said) but due to insufficient slow, methodical, rechecking of the install and set up. The clue is always, "How many people is this already working for, and why am I having a problem?". If it's working for nobody, then assume the code is the problem, if it's working for almost everyone, then assume it's what you have done (or not done).



Wearing a seatbelt prevents head injuries when the computer crashes - - - Yeah Right!!! - not in this office.

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I was supplied with osC v2.2a with PayPal IPN v1.2 already installed. I cannot get it to work at all and no order confirmations are forthcoming, so I guess shopping carts are still full.


On the back of the comment above, can anybody tell me what is the ebst version of PayPal IPN to install, and where I can get it from.


I am getting a bit desperate about this as I am sure it is costing me customers.


Thank you in advance for your assistance.


Kind regards,



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Hi, I hope someone can help please. I had to upgrade a site from ms2.2 to rc2.2 for a new template. The previous site was working with paypal ipn v One complication of this site is that the admin directory was set up to have a different name. Since the upgrade, Paypal payments are going through but only the Paypal emails are being received and the orders appear in admin but their status is Preparing. I tried reinstalling Paypal IPN, but now it does not appear in the list of payment modules (though I do see Paypal / Debit or Credit Card, PayPal Website Payments Pro (US) Direct Payments and PayPal Express Checkout). Also the right hand column for editing the payment modules' configuration has disappeared. I tried going back to the original files for Paypal IPN, but the situation in admin has not changed. Can anyone please suggest a fix for this or recommend what to try next?

Thanks for your help

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In case anyone else has this problem, the part where modules and edit functions disappeared in admin was caused when I left renamed backup files in the includes/modules directory (as discussed in this thread: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?sho...appeared+admin)


I am still no further with the original problem though - any help appreciated



Hi, I hope someone can help please. I had to upgrade a site from ms2.2 to rc2.2 for a new template. The previous site was working with paypal ipn v One complication of this site is that the admin directory was set up to have a different name. Since the upgrade, Paypal payments are going through but only the Paypal emails are being received and the orders appear in admin but their status is Preparing. I tried reinstalling Paypal IPN, but now it does not appear in the list of payment modules (though I do see Paypal / Debit or Credit Card, PayPal Website Payments Pro (US) Direct Payments and PayPal Express Checkout). Also the right hand column for editing the payment modules' configuration has disappeared. I tried going back to the original files for Paypal IPN, but the situation in admin has not changed. Can anyone please suggest a fix for this or recommend what to try next?

Thanks for your help

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hi...i need your help


i have install the v. 2.3.3 an it's working fine. may only when the costumer order enough for free deliver cost. when the costumers make a little order with deliver cost, then you can't choose the paypal module. the costumer don't see the paypal options? why is this? i hope you understand my english and problem. please can you help me. thanks

Edited by x-plosiv
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You are using RC2 of oscommerce but Your db fields are not added as needed.


Add public_flag field in orders_status.




I'm having the following error:

1054 - Unknown column 's.public_flag' in 'where clause'


select count(*) as total from orders o, orders_status s where o.customers_id = '7' and o.orders_status = s.orders_status_id and s.language_id = '1' and s.public_flag = '1'


I had just created the user account.


Do I need to add public_flag field in orders_status? Is this done in phpMyAdmin? Not sure how to do this.


Thanks in advance,


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I have the module set up and works great, in test mode with my Sand Box account.


Question: I have multiple email addresses in my PayPal account and multiple osCommerce carts, for different domains, can I use any of the emails associated with my PayPal account to work with the PayPal IPN module.




Answered myself!




Thanks you me.


Also ran into some issues with the godaddy account (preparing paypal / ipn and not returning data from paypal issue, but fixed it, Works Great)


The fix has been posted in this long thread, I think by AlexStudio


Im using Version PayPal IPN Module v2.3.3 For 2.2MS2


In Admin Payment Modules Setting


cURL Proxy server



And I entered code as follows: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, "http://proxy.shr.secureserver.net:3128");

in catalog/ext/modules/payment/paypal_ipn/ipn.php



} elseif ($curl == true) {

$ch = curl_init();


// BOF add by AlexStudio

// For the poor souls on GoDaddy and the like, set the connection to go through their proxy





// Eof add by AlexStudio

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://' . $server . '/cgi-bin/webscr');

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $parameters);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, "http://proxy.shr.secureserver.net:3128");


$result = curl_exec($ch);





----------------- Hope the above helps someone with a godaddy account --------


Everything works great except 0ne thing: I only want the billing address send to paypal page because if they enter a shipping address different from the billing, it passess to paypal, then the customer has to re-enter the billing associated with there credit card = cancel order!!


I tried and read everything in this thread, can someone be kind enough to paste the code to fix it?



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To all those who are having troubles and wondering why this IPN module exists, it does work.


I have many other contributions installed and this v2.3.3 is working flawless on my godaddy hosted account. I had a very difficult time getting it to work correctly and I actually gave up at the point where everything worked except for IPN post back so I didn't get customer emails or stock updates. Then magically a month or two later without making any changes, it all started working. It must have been something on Godaddy's or PayPal's set up, I don't know. All I can say is that it has been working very well for me for a while now.

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Really useful info in this thread.


I always get message say "Paypal does not allow your country of residence to ship to the country you wish to'. Has somewhere been mistaken setting of the distribute or oscommerce setting.


Any clue should be gread appreciated



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Here is the 'fixed' catalog/includes/modules/payment/paypal_ipn.php for the missing invoice id problem. It's only been tested with PHP5 register globals on.




I had the problem where most of the orders were not marked OK, email was not sent and stock was not updated. I added the fixed file AlexStudio posted few pages back and now the module is working!


My new problem is this:

- someone orders the last product in stock and the "Allow Checkout" is set to false.

- after successful order and payment the customer is returned to shopping_cart.php instead of checkout_confirmation.php

- at the shopping_cart.php the red message appears on the bottom saying that the item selected is not available in the desired quantity etc.


Has anyone else had this problem or do you know where it could be fixed?

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I have installed this PayPal IPN and it's works...!!




1. I use the ot_customer_discount and total shows x euro's less as setup, bud not on the PayPal total

2. When customer choose language in the shop, redirect to PayPal is alway's Dutch.

By the basic version of PayPal there is a language addon which solve that issue, bud I can't get it installed properly it under this IPN version for some reason.


Anyone a hint or a addon which solved one or both issues?

Edited by John2b
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Satish, I am talking about an out-of-the box osCommerce install - no modifications whatsoever, except for the paypal_ipn module I am trying to install.


version = 2.2rc2a


When I upload the language files (along with the other ones) the module just does not show up in the oscommerce Admin.


When I do not upload the lang files, the mod DOES SHOW UP but with the previously mentioned errors that basically say the system is looking for the file not uploaded.


What to do?


Thank you in advance for your help!


Hi Roy2098 I have just been having the same problem, so tried deleting language module, got the same as yourself had a quick look at the paypal_ipn.php and found out it comes up in admin as "Credit/Debit Card (via PayPal)" in payment modules not "Paypal IPN". Hope this helps. :blush:

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