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Official PayPal IPN Support Thread

Mark Evans

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I'm getting this same error. Did you solve the problem?




Warning: openssl_pkcs7_sign(): error creating PKCS7 structure! in /home/nownthen/public_html/includes/modules/payment/paypal_ipn.php on line 369


Ok, corrected all the other errors.  Does anyone know what this one means??

Thanks for everyones help!

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Hi 2 issues on the OsCommerce PayPal IPN Module 1.1.


1. checkout_confirmation.php is not generated by the order number sometimes. This cause the IPN.php script fail to correlate the IPN with the order in the database.


How to solve this intermittent issue of not having the order id or invoice #?


This the code of the button,


<input type="hidden" name="invoice">


2. I am using HKD to in the catalog and paypal mandate the use of USD for settlement. From payment perpsective, it is working fine. But when it comes to IPN, the current IPN 1.1 module is trying to compare USD amount received from the IPN, to compare with the HKD amount stored in the database, obviusly, it is causing undeisred behavior in the script.


Anyone have solved it before?


The related code in IPN script is


if ($_POST['mc_gross'] == number_format($total['value'] * $order['currency_value'], $currencies->get_decimal_places($order['currency']))) {






Surf'n Beauty - Your Online Beauty Store


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I'm having this same problem. In the configuration on osc of PayPal IPN, I use an email address of [email protected]. This is also the email address of the business account setup on the sandbox.


I created a personal account on the sandbox which has the same email address as the user I created on my osc to test an order - the personal account has a different email address.


What else should I be checking? The first error I get from osc is:


Warning: openssl_pkcs7_sign(): error creating PKCS7 structure! in /home/hsphere/local/home/scavenge/halloweenplayground.com/includes/modules/payment/paypal_ipn.php on line 356



Then, when I click confirm order, I get this error from Paypal:


Error Detected







The email address for the business is not present in the encrypted blob. Please contact your merchant.






Any ideas on how to solve either error?

Many Thanks!



Either email address should work.


Shop around for the SSL. You probably do not need the most expensive.


Places like GoDaddy run about $55.00 (might have been for two years, I forget) for a "turbo" level. That is what I have and it works fine.


Just copied this from my receipt:


QTY ITEM PRICE 1 Turbo SSL (2 Years) 55.90

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Anyone can help? I found $cart_PayPal_IPN_ID variable is empty and causing lost of "invoice" field in the checkout_confirmation page.






Hi 2 issues on the OsCommerce PayPal IPN Module 1.1.


1. checkout_confirmation.php is not generated by the order number sometimes. This cause the IPN.php script fail to correlate the IPN with the order in the database.


How to solve this intermittent issue of not having the order id or invoice #?


This the code of the button,


<input type="hidden" name="invoice">


2. I am using HKD to in the catalog and paypal mandate the use of USD for settlement. From payment perpsective, it is working fine. But when it comes to IPN, the current IPN 1.1 module is trying to compare USD amount received from the IPN, to compare with the HKD amount stored in the database, obviusly, it is causing undeisred behavior in the script.


Anyone have solved it before?


The related code in IPN script is


        if ($_POST['mc_gross'] == number_format($total['value'] * $order['currency_value'], $currencies->get_decimal_places($order['currency']))) {


            $order_status_id = MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_IPN_ORDER_STATUS_ID;




Surf'n Beauty - Your Online Beauty Store


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Hi all! I am having a problem with the PayPal IPN not passing the shipping costs to PayPal consistently. It is only doing it right about every 20 orders. I have a $2.00 handling charge and then a table rate based on weight. The correct shipping charge shows up in the orders admin area but the shipping charge is missing from PayPal.


Here is the info:


Enable Table Method



Shipping Table



Table Method



Handling Fee



Tax Class



Shipping Zone



Sort Order




I used to have PayPal set with a shipping table in their admin area with the override box checked. I had assumed (incorrectly) that everything was working right. I used to get a double shipping charge about every 20 orders. After I removed the PayPal side of the shipping charges, none of my orders show the shhipping charge even though the charge shows in the order admin in oscommerce.


Anyone have any clues with this? :'(

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PAYPAL IPN Canadian Currency Code Problem


Hi there,


I've installed the Paypal IPN module, but am having some issues with the transaction currency code symbol for Canadian $$.


The problem is this: The standard symbol code shound be CDN, which is what the Canada Post Shipping module uses, as well as all financial institutions etc.


When this is used in OSC and the Paypal IPN module, the total will not transmit to the Paypal page. If this is changed to CAD, it works, but the shipping amount cannot be retrieved from the Canada Post servers for the Canada Post shipping module... :'(


since CAD is technically not correct, is there a way to change this in the Paypal IPN module and have it calculate, or is this an issue with PayPal?


Any suggestions are much appreciated!





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Hi everyone,


I am running into a problem with the PayPal totals on orders.


I notice that with PP IPN module, Paypal is taxing on the shipping amount on the final payment screen. Is this normal? It seems to me that you wouldn't normally want to charge tax on shipping.


When customers use the option of sending a check/money order, there is no tax on the shipping amount..


Is there a way to disable this?





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Hi all!

I have same problems with margin report 2.56 contrib both paypal IPN 3.0a.The contrib(margin report 2.56) work perfect with all kind of payment modules excluding Paypal.

For all orders made via paypal the "cost" of the products ordered will not be pass in the table:




Order ID Items Tot sells Cost Income

1647 1 35.90EUR 0.00EUR 35.90EUR  Paid via Paypal

1648 2 122.70EUR 0.00EUR 122.70EUR Paid via Paypal

1649 22 297.05EUR 114.60EUR 182.45EUR  Not Paid via Paypal

1650 2 20.99EUR 10.00EUR 10.99EUR Not Paid via Paypal


I just tried to mod the paypal_ipn.php(as suggested) adding the

'products_cost' => $order->products[$i]['cost'],



$sql_data_array = array('orders_id' => $insert_id,
                                 'products_id' =>tep_get_prid($order->products[$i]['id']),
                                 'products_model' => $order->products[$i]['model'],
                                 'products_name' => $order->products[$i]['name'],
                                 'products_price' => $order->products[$i]['price'],
                                 'products_cost' => $order->products[$i]['cost'],
                                 'final_price' => $order->products[$i]['final_price'],
                                 'products_tax' => $order->products[$i]['tax'],
                                 'products_quantity' => $order->products[$i]['qty']);


without any results.


where is the problem? :blush:

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I've managed to get this working.. changed the default currency in english.php, and

set everything to CAN.







I've figured out that my problem was within the Canada Post Shipping Module. I had it set to apply the tax zone to the shipping amount.. which was being passed to Paypal.





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Hello Everyone,


I was wondering if anyone is having the same problem as me. I am testing out the contribution in PayPal's Sandbox.


When PayPal sends out emails to me the PayPal account holder and to the customer. The total amount of the order is correct (shipping, taxes, item price, and tax on shipping for Canada where I am located)


However, When a breakdown of prices is shown the shipping cost is missing from the emails.... although the total amount charged by paypal is correct. I am worried that this will confuse customers.


Does anyone know what is going on or is anyone having the same problem?



Eric B


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I'm having an issue with Encrypted Web Payments. I am using version:

OSC v2.2MS2 along with

12 Jan 2005 - osCommerce PayPal IPN Module v1.1 For 2.2MS2


I have read all 19 pages of this thread :D and have tried many suggestions that were posted.


This contrib installed fine and is working great with both the sandbox and live servers when "Enable Encrypted Web Payments" is set to false. But things get sticky when I set it to true... not sure where I'm going wrong.


Here is a quick check list of what I have done so far:

1)I have 2 test accts setup in my sandbox. One buisness acct. and one personal acct. both are confirmed and verified.

2)In the buisness acct. profile I have an API Test Certificate installed and downloaded the "cert_key_pem.txt" file.

3)I opened the "cert_key_pem.txt" file and noticed that both my private key and public cert are in there. So I followed some advice from another thread and split the file into 2 individual files. One named "my_private_key.pem" and the other "my_public_cert.pem"

4)Back in the sandbox buisness acct. profile/Encrypted Payment Settings/ I downloaded the PayPal Public Certificate "paypal_cert_pem.txt" I also went ahead and uploaded my public cert. "my_public_cert.pem" and wrote down the cert ID#

5)I uploaded the 3 files "my_private_key.pem", "my_public_cert.pem" and "paypal_cert_pem.txt" into a folder (CHMOD 700)

6)created a working directory (CHMOD 777)

7)used absolute paths and changed my openssl location (I confirmed this with my host) in the paypal IPN configuration.


Now when I go to order confirmation I don't get any php errors on screen as discribed in some previous posts. I just get an order confirmation page with no billing info. No "confirm order" button is showing up either. The order never makes it to the paypal sandbox server, but it does get recorder in the database. Also if it means anything, I do get files generating into my working directory named "***encrypted.txt" and "***signed.txt" but they don't get automatically deleted.


I believe I covered most, if not all, the steps. I also repeated steps 2-5 a few times.


Perhaps the problem is that I'm using the cert&key combo provided by paypal? I've read that could be an issue. RikR's suggested generating your own cert&key combo but my host doesn't have a cert manager in the control panel. Not sure how I can generate my own at this point.


Thanks in advance to whomever can point me in the right direction. Sorry for the long winded post... just wanted to explain myself as thoroughly as possible.


P.S. Hey RikR, how did ya manage to upload your "twowayradiodirectory.com.crt" file? Did you just have to change the extension to .pem? Paypal won't allow me to upload any other file type except for .pem


Here is how my paypal IPN is configured.

PayPal IPN 

Enable PayPal IPN Module

E-Mail Address

Transaction Currency
Only USD

Payment Zone

Set Preparing Order Status
Preparing [PayPal IPN]

Set PayPal Acknowledged Order Status
Acknowledged [PayPal IPN]

Gateway Server

Transaction Type

Page Style

Debug E-Mail Address

Sort order of display.

Enable Encrypted Web Payments

Your Private Key

Your Public Certificate

PayPals Public Certificate

Your PayPal Public Certificate ID

Working Directory

OpenSSL Location

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Hi i have just installed paypal shopping cart IPN 3.1.5 and everything seems to be going smoothly only when the customer is directed to the secure paypal payment screen (with the login or checkout facility) the amount box is showing blank. Thus meaning the customer will have to remember the total from checkout then enter it to proceed.... Is there anyway to overcome this and have the total amount display automatically (carry it over from osc to paypal).


If any one out there has an idea i would be delighted to know -Colin

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Hi i have just installed paypal shopping cart IPN 3.1.5 and everything seems to be going smoothly only when the customer is directed to the secure paypal payment screen (with the login or checkout facility) the amount box is showing blank. Thus meaning the customer will have to remember the total from checkout then enter it to proceed.... Is there anyway to overcome this and have the total amount display automatically (carry it over from osc to paypal).


If any one out there has an idea i would be delighted to know -Colin

Hi Colin,


You might want to post your question in this thread: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?sho...=116656&st=1600


I know, it's a little confusing sometimes.


Thanks. :thumbsup:

Edited by Alpha Ray
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Hi Colin,


You might want to post your question in this thread: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?sho...=116656&st=1600


I know, it's a little confusing sometimes.


Thanks. :thumbsup:




Alpha Ray thank you very much for replying, however I just cracked it. If any one else has this problem ensure:


1) You have IPN enabled on your business paypal account


2) You have auto-returns enabled on your business paypal account


3) You admin currency codes are correct


4) Your payment module sorting codes are different (i.e paypal '1' PSIgate '2')


I dont know if all four steps are required however worked for myself using IPN 3.1.5.


Kind regards -Colin

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Has anyone been able to answer my above post? When using the PayPal IPN Mod with the PayPal SandBox the emails sent out by PayPal are showing the correct totals for the orders ( price + tax + shipping) but on an individual break down it only shows the price and tax but the shipping amount is missing. Any ideas?


Does the fact that I have tax zones set for shipping have anything to with this... In Canada we have to charge tax on shipping.


Also, in the ADMIN area of OSC for Payment Mods... Under the PayPal IPN it says for my private key and certificate to use the extension *.pem


However, my host has sent me the keys and certificate and they have different file extensions....


Furthermore, they didn't tell me where on the server they are located... I am using a shared / virtual server.. .but I bought a SSL Certificate...


Do I need to know the path to these or can I just upload what then sent me into a directory in my OSC install and use those paths for settings in the config for this mod?


Please help as I am not very good with this and I have been spinnin my wheels for weeks



Eric B


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3)I opened the "cert_key_pem.txt" file and noticed that both my private key and public cert are in there. So I followed some advice from another thread and split the file into 2 individual files. One named "my_private_key.pem" and the other "my_public_cert.pem"




I am not sure if this helps or not, as I am stumbling through all this myself... but I just asked for my private key and certificate from my host they gave me the following....


2 different certificates... the code or whatever that is.. sorry I don't know the term for it yet... but both certificates appear to be in one file... the file extension for this is mydomain.com.bundle


(So in answer to your question, I am not sure if you should be splitting the certificates apart or not... maybe someone in here can tell us...)


Second, I was given another certificate.. all by itself... called



and I was given one key



The thing that confuses me is that the files sent by my host don't have the .pem file extension....


My host told me the certificates and key are already on the server... but I don't see them anywhere on the server... probably because I am using a shared server and they are in an area I can't access... could this be true?


In order to get this IPN Mod to work should I take each file above and rename the extension to .pem and then upload them to mydomain.com/catalog ?


I am trying to figure out what extensions to use.... and what paths... for the configuration in the ADMIN...


Any help would be GREATLY APPREACIATED...


Thank you

Eric B


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Has anyone been able to answer my above post? When using the PayPal IPN Mod with the PayPal SandBox the emails sent out by PayPal are showing the correct totals for the orders ( price + tax + shipping) but on an individual break down it only shows the price and tax but the shipping amount is missing. Any ideas?


Does the fact that I have tax zones set for shipping have anything to with this... In Canada we have to charge tax on shipping.


Also, in the ADMIN area of OSC for Payment Mods... Under the PayPal IPN it says for my private key and certificate to use the extension *.pem


However, my host has sent me the keys and certificate and they have different file extensions....


Furthermore, they didn't tell me where on the server they are located... I am using a shared / virtual server.. .but I bought a SSL Certificate...


Do I need to know the path to these or can I just upload what then sent me into a directory in my OSC install and use those paths for settings in the config for this mod?


Please help as I am not very good with this and I have been spinnin my wheels for weeks



Eric B


I just noticed that not only is the Tax not showing up in the PayPal emails but on the paypal sandbox site, when you are confirming your order... the taxes charged are not being displayed to the customer.. but they are added into the total amount charged....


IS this a problem with PayPals side, or OSC... if OSC is it this mod's coding or the way it is configured or is it something else?


sorry for all the questions.. like I said I am stumbling through it all and any help would be appreaciated.. thanks so much for your time


Eric B


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Hi, I have a problem with my order status updating. What happens is some of my orders show up in OSC's admin panel but I never recieve payment for them in paypal.


It's only on certain orders, and I cannot find a common thread within them (some of the orders are from the US, some are international). For the most part orders come through fine.


I do not recieve the IPN email and never have. Long ago I decided to check my orders manually because I was wasting too much time trying to get the emails to work.


Can anybody provide me with some insight as to what might be happening here? At least, could someone tell me what I need tell my customers to do?


At first I thought this problem was due to customers not completing the order on paypal but i read that's exactly what this contrib was designed to prevent.


Any help is greatly appreciated. I've read all 19 pages of this thread and similar problems have arised with no answer...

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Hi, I have a problem with my order status updating.  What happens is some of my orders show up in OSC's admin panel but I never recieve payment for them in paypal.


It's only on certain orders, and I cannot find a common thread within them (some of the orders are from the US, some are international). For the most part orders come through fine.


I do not recieve the IPN email and never have. Long ago I decided to check my orders manually because I was wasting too much time trying to get the emails to work.


Can anybody provide me with some insight as to what might be happening here? At least, could someone tell me what I need tell my customers to do?


At first I thought this problem was due to customers not completing the order on paypal but i read that's exactly what this contrib was designed to prevent.


Any help is greatly appreciated. I've read all 19 pages of this thread and similar problems have arised with no answer...



I am in the same boat, but I notice that if you take the transaction up to the Paypal login page, then don't complete the Paypal payment, it still shows up in the OSC orders list.


I am hoping that these are just uncompleted orders as the orders are not showing in the Paypal account on those.





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Hi TC - yeah this sucks! LOL.


That could be it, but it seems like most people know to log in, etc etc.

But, that very well could be what is happening.


Does anybody out there know???? Like maybe people get that far and they think the order is complete? Without even logging into their paypal accounts?

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Hi TC - yeah this sucks! LOL.


That could be it, but it seems like most people know to log in, etc etc.

But, that very well could be what is happening.


Does anybody out there know???? Like maybe people get that far and they think the order is complete? Without even logging into their paypal accounts?



It's these issues and that the addresses are not being sent back to osC that I gave up on PayPal. Too much room for errors and confusion.



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