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Official PayPal IPN Support Thread

Mark Evans

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I have been wrestling with this module for a week and have finally got the upper hand.


Tried everything including searching this forum which aint easy as it's been going for quite a while. And you don't know what to search for til you find your solution!


Everything works great if I set the permissions on the ext folder to 755


(And stick a php.ini file in ext/modules/payment with register globals = on)


If I set permissions to 644 as suggested in the installation guide then order status never gets past "preparing IPN"


Is 755 a security issue?


Good Module, aint complaining, just learning!



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Thank you mmph very much for your response. That makes perfect sense. I would like to add one more question if you would not mind. It's about the order information between OS Commerce and PayPal. I see that OS C provides an invoice number (i.e. invoice #17), but that number does not appear in PayPal anywhere. PayPal gives it a completely new number on their site and does not even send that number back to OS C. Sos, is the e-mail the only way to find out what that number is? Is there no way to get that order number (or some type of corresponding number) passed to PayPal from OS C or Vice Versa? Thanks again.

I'm not sure why you don't get the invoice number in your email from paypal; you might need to re-install the IPN. Make sure you read the instructions fully, there is a lot of information in them. You also need to un-install and re-install the module from your admin panel if you update the files on your server.


Here is an example email I received from PayPal today for an order where you can see the invoice number posted, none of my IPN post backs have been making it through my Godaddy proxy recently so I have to manually process them all as described in my post before.


Dear mmph,


This email confirms that you have received a payment for $129.00 USD from s****a r****s (s***[email protected]).



Receipt ID: ***-0**6-**15-45**



The number above is the buyer's receipt ID for this transaction. Please retain it for your records so that you will be able to reference this transaction for customer service.




View the details of this transaction online at:




It may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in the Recent Activity list on your Account Overview.


Payment Details



Total amount: $129.00 USD

Currency: U.S. Dollars

Transaction ID: 4**********9

Quantity: 1

Item/Product Name: Store order

Invoice ID: 22445

Buyer: s*****a r*****s







s*****a r*****'s CONFIRMED Address



s*****a r****s

393 y***s avenue

calumet city, IL 60409

United States


Have you lifted your withdrawal and receiving limits? Just log in to your PayPal account and click View Limits on the Account Overview page.


Thank you for using PayPal!

The PayPal Team






PayPal Email ID PP345

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Yeah, you get those from Paypal, I don't think you use the ipn though. I believe you get it when you sign up as a paypal developer. I remember having problems finding it.





my host refuses to give the location of Your Private Key and Your Public Certificate. he says that i have to use the ipn method to receive payment. is that ok?
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Okay. So that's weird. I don't get this section of the e-mail at all:



Receipt ID: ***-0**6-**15-45**



The number above is the buyer's receipt ID for this transaction. Please retain it for your records so that you will be able to reference this transaction for customer service.




That is why I am getting no corresponding information between PayPal and the OS C store. The weird thing is that I just upgraded the IPN and I get the same omission. I guess I will back track again and see if I am missing a setting or something. Thanks.


So, I guess I have one more question before I go snooping through the documentation again. Are there any other fields in the IPN payment setup that you changed that might be affecting it? The only fields I edited were obviously the "Enable PayPal IPN Module" (set to true) and "Gateway Server" (set to Testing) and E-Mail Address (set to test e-mail address.) Did you change any of the other settings in the module? When I initially read through the instructions I did not see that any other fields needed to be changed from their default status unless you were using encrypted web payments. Thanks again.

Edited by bit182
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Does anyone know why the OS Commerce order number would not be passed to PayPal during a transaction? It does not show up anywhere in the transactions that are being processed, and as a result I have no real way to do any verification between PayPal's notification of payment e-mail and the order in OS C beyond trying to compare day and time of the order (which is a pain.)


I have re-installed the IPN twice, but I'm not getting any changes. I'm also only receiving a response from the IPN about 10-20% of the time.



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Hello, I've installed PayPal IPN Module on osComemrce 2.2-MS2. The site is running on PHP Version 5.2.5 and MySQL 5.0.45.

The problem is that after successful insterting of the order data in 'orders_products' table tep_db_insert_id(); returns no value.


includes/modules/payment/paypal_ipn.php row 186:

tep_db_perform(TABLE_ORDERS, $sql_data_array);
$insert_id = tep_db_insert_id();


This cause subsequent inserts into orders_products and orders_total to have no value for order_id. I have Authorize.net AIM and Check/Money Order payment modules installed as well and don't have such a problem.


I will appreciate any help. Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I've noticed a number of users of this contribution are have problems with the order or invoice number not showing up on the PayPal transaction. Then, there also is no successful IPN to indicate a VERIFIED transaction of osCommerce to reduce stock and signify its completed transaction.


I too am having this problem. The IPN contribution works about 10 - 15 percent of the time. I found out that every time I am not recieving a VERIFIED IPN, there also is no Invoice Number with the PayPal transaction when I check the Details section of the transaction when I go to PayPal. When I get a completed IPN there is always an invoice number.


Now I read a post, on OSC forums about 1 week ago that PayPal is experiencing technical problems with their IPN service in which they are working on it. Does anyone in this thread know about this?

Can anyone help me with my particular problem?



osCommerce V. 2.3.4BS

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I've noticed a number of users of this contribution are have problems with the order or invoice number not showing up on the PayPal transaction. Then, there also is no successful IPN to indicate a VERIFIED transaction of osCommerce to reduce stock and signify its completed transaction.


I too am having this problem. The IPN contribution works about 10 - 15 percent of the time. I found out that every time I am not recieving a VERIFIED IPN, there also is no Invoice Number with the PayPal transaction when I check the Details section of the transaction when I go to PayPal. When I get a completed IPN there is always an invoice number.


Now I read a post, on OSC forums about 1 week ago that PayPal is experiencing technical problems with their IPN service in which they are working on it. Does anyone in this thread know about this?

Can anyone help me with my particular problem?



I can only say that I too am having the IPN trouble. I have not received any post-back information from PayPal in the past week although I can see PayPal's postback hitting my IPN.php file when I watch "who's online" so I would assume my problems are compatibility of my godaddy hosting account and the IPN.

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The missing invoice id issue is caused by the code introduced in v1.4 trying to fix the register globals off issue. That fix was working fine so I didn't touch it in my updates.


I fixed this 'missing invoice id' problem recently in a few cases, on php5 mysql5 servers with osCommerce 2.2RC2a. I need to gather more info about this problem before I can release a fix or update. Please let me know which php version you have and the osComerce version if it's not 2.2RC2a.

Edited by AlexStudio

Super Download Shop, PayPal Express Checkout IPN, Selling Downloads, Visual Validation (preventing robotic flood), phpBB2 Integration


Yes, I'm willing to help, but please ask in the right place. Think twice before trying to PM me, it might be ignored.

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There are known bugs in PHP-5.2.5, and security issues with PHP < 5.2.6


If it's possible, can you upgrade to php 5.2.6 and let me know if this missing invoice id issue happens with php 5.2.6?

Super Download Shop, PayPal Express Checkout IPN, Selling Downloads, Visual Validation (preventing robotic flood), phpBB2 Integration


Yes, I'm willing to help, but please ask in the right place. Think twice before trying to PM me, it might be ignored.

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The missing invoice id issue is caused by the code introduced in v1.4 trying to fix the register globals off issue. That fix was working fine so I didn't touch it in my updates.


I fixed this 'missing invoice id' problem recently in a few cases, on php5 mysql5 servers with osCommerce 2.2RC2a. I need to gather more info about this problem before I can release a fix or update. Please let me know which php version you have and the osComerce version if it's not 2.2RC2a.




I am using:

osCommerce V2.2 RC2a

PHP Version 5.1.6, register_globals Off

MySQL Version 5.0.27

I am with 1and1, running a VPS box in which osCommerce is hosted.


Sorry, I cannot make any changes at this time with PHP

Also, I've noticed that I had safe mode on with PHP, I just turned it off. I don't know if this has anything to do with my problem, we'll see.



osCommerce V. 2.3.4BS

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Please try turning register globals on, safe mode off and see what you get.


PHP Version 5.1.6, register_globals Off

MySQL Version 5.0.27

I am with 1and1, running a VPS box in which osCommerce is hosted.

Off topic, is it a Virtuozzo+Plesk8 VPS box on CentOS4 or 5?

Super Download Shop, PayPal Express Checkout IPN, Selling Downloads, Visual Validation (preventing robotic flood), phpBB2 Integration


Yes, I'm willing to help, but please ask in the right place. Think twice before trying to PM me, it might be ignored.

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Off topic, is it a Virtuozzo+Plesk8 VPS box on CentOS4 or 5?

Virtuozzo+Plesk8 on fedora-core-6-x86_64


I'll try working on turning register_globals On. I don't know how to do this part so may take some time. If you have any ideas, please let me know.



osCommerce V. 2.3.4BS

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SSH to your VPS or use your Virtuozzo control panel -> File manager to modify /etc/php.ini if you have only 1 vhost, or set this per vhost by creating

/real path to domain home/domain.com/conf/vhost.conf

<Directory /real path to domain home/domain.com/httpdocs>
php_admin_value register_globals on

and/or /real path to domain home/domain.com/conf/vhost_ssl.conf

<Directory /real path to domain home/domain.com/httpsdocs>
php_admin_value register_globals on

and then run this command at SSH:

/usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/websrvmng -v -a


This is what I did at my Plesk8 VPS on CentOS4.6, should be the same. If not, ask 1and1 for help.

Edited by AlexStudio

Super Download Shop, PayPal Express Checkout IPN, Selling Downloads, Visual Validation (preventing robotic flood), phpBB2 Integration


Yes, I'm willing to help, but please ask in the right place. Think twice before trying to PM me, it might be ignored.

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I did what you suggested; I turned on register_globals.

I did this by editing my /etc/php.ini file to read: register_globals = On (This is the only change in this file, changed Off to On)

Then, I uncommented the line #php_value register_globals 1 in .htaccess


The PayPal IPN is still not passing the Invoice number, therefore I do not get a notification back of a VERIFIED transaction.



osCommerce V. 2.3.4BS

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I am using Oscommerce Paypal_IPN V 2.2 and on some orders I get 2 - 3 extra "IPN Notices in the order section". The notices are all the same status and usually are in a couple seconds from each other.


Example -


05/31/2008 16:15:00 Processing PayPal IPN Verified [Completed (Unverified; $40.98)]

05/31/2008 16:16:00 Processing PayPal IPN Verified [Completed (Unverified; $40.98)]

05/31/2008 16:17:00 Processing PayPal IPN Verified [Completed (Unverified; $40.98)]


This only happens on some orders not all. I get about 150 orders a day. I also get duplicate emails every time this happens.


Its not a duplicate order its the same order but with multiple notices.


Does anyone know how to prevent "duplicate" notices from being entered or how to correct this? I have tried to duplicate this problem using sandbox, but haven't been able to.


Any help on how to possibly debug this would be great.

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Is it possible to record the refund ID?


For instance:

Refund (ID #4K9691586B871041P)

In reference to:5HQ67146384423037

...appears on the order details page on paypal.com after a refund.


Can this be posted back to the oscommerce admin panel where it says [refund] in the order comments?


i contacted paypal developer support about this and didn't get anything i could comprehend on my own.

It is possible to set your IPN up to get this information. I would not be able to provide you the exact coding you would need to do this. You can find a lot of useful information regarding the IPN system at: https://www.paypal.com/IntegrationCenter/ic_ipn.html. This link https://www.paypal.com/IntegrationCenter/ic...-reference.html will provide you with the variables that you will need to set your IPN script up for. For example the variable "parent_txn_id" would in the case of a refund, reversal, or canceled reversal, this variable contains the txn_id of the original transaction, while txn_id contains a new ID for the new transaction.


The developers guide for IPN can be found at: https://www.paypal.com/en_US/pdf/PP_OrderMa...rationGuide.pdf Page 50 will explain a lot of the refund information that you will need.

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Quick question, I have a customer who just installed RC2a on her web server and has enabled Paypal Website Payments Standard. Would she still need to install this mod or another one for received payments to registar on the site?

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Quick question, I have a customer who just installed RC2a on her web server and has enabled Paypal Website Payments Standard. Would she still need to install this mod or another one for received payments to registar on the site?


It appears that you are asking if osCommerce PayPal IPN module should be installed in order to be notified from PayPal on the sellers site that they have received a payment. I have not installed PayPal WPS on my RC2a installation, but I believe it also has an IPN feature. Therefore, if it is a matter of being notified about receiving a payment. you should not have to. Read the Readme document for PayPal WPS on page 6, it mentions having an IPN feature.


I hope it works. Sometimes these features do not work like they should. I installed this osCommerce PayPal IPN rather than the stock module and it notifies me about 5 - 10 percent of the time. You can read my previous posts just a few before yours.



osCommerce V. 2.3.4BS

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Alex[or anyone else],


I have installed "osCommerce_PayPal_IPN_v2.3.4", however when customers use PayPal to pay, the amount to be paid is always shown as 0 (zero). Hence, I end up with one of two potential problems:


1) The customer did not make note of how much to pay, and hits a back button only to get a Page has Expired - they might give up at this point.

2) The customer enters the wrong amount to pay.



Is there a known fix for this?



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Hi all,


I'm afraid that I may well be asking an answered question but I'm in a bit of a panic! Sorry if that is the case. In fact, I think it could be solved by the last update on the contributions page (about the php.ini file)


I just received an order from my shop and didn't receive the confirmation email and the order doesn't show up in admin. I assume that the customer didn't receive the email confirmation either. The order is saved in the database though.


I believe that I read somewhere that the email wouldn't get sent if the customer didn't get redirected back to the site and that, in this case, the order wouldn't be saved in the database. It's weird that the order would be in the database but not show up in admin.


I tested using the sandbox server during development but I have made quite a lot of changes since and, obviously, the site is now live!


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Luckily I can get to all the information through the database but my other half, who runs the shop, doesn't know how to do that!






PS. If I never said thank you for the contribution ---> THANK YOU!!!!

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Alex - if you're still watching this thread ....


I've noticed that customer addresses have stopped being passed to PayPal - everything else is working as it should, including full per-item order details going into PayPal and being sent on PayPal's payment received emails etc etc etc


The BIG issue with addresses not going to PayPal is that it then invalidates any form of PayPal Seller Protection Policy coverage and the seller is exposed to the risk of fraud by the buyer (or chargebacks after delivery).


System is osC 2.2 RC1 with PayPal IPN 2.3.2 on a php 4.2 box


It was working, but in the last month or so, the few orders received have all had this same issue. I waited to see if it was a PayPal glitch, but it's continuing.


Any clues?



Wearing a seatbelt prevents head injuries when the computer crashes - - - Yeah Right!!! - not in this office.

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