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The e-commerce.

Official PayPal IPN Support Thread

Mark Evans

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Thanks for posting http://proxy.shr.secureserver.net:3128 as the correct proxy to use with GoDaddy (at least for me). I was using

HTTP:// like the instructions say, but I kept getting "PayPal IPN Invalid Process" emails, no order confirmations, and Admin > Orders wouldn't update to Processing. Once I updated ipn.php line 73 to:


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, "http://proxy.shr.secureserver.net:3128");


everything worked perfectly.




Hey jillbalkus,

I'm getting those exact same Invalid Process notification mails? I've made the amendments that you suggest here and as per the setup guide that

comes with the contrib but to no avail?? Have you any idea why this code was required? I have SSL installed I though OSC would use that instead of cURL if





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We found your Debuging script and replaced the ipn.php in the ext folder. Here are the results that we get for both Shared and Full SSL


Sorry RBA. I know your desperate for some help but I'm pretty much a few steps behind yourself. so near and yet so far.

Could you fire on the location of that Debugging Script you mentioned above?


In terms of your problem above, the only thing I can tell you is that in the past I've encountered three configure.php files in a running

OSC deployment.


The ones that are bundled with OSC





and then there was one located in either of the following two folders.





I think it was created at runtime and I'm not too sure which folder it was in.

I'd quickly check in there and ensure that a new version of the configure.php file hasn't been created and placed here that's

overwritting your ipn location




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Could you fire on the location of that Debugging Script you mentioned above?






Hi Mark


Here is the post for the Debug Script from Terra:



Our configure.php pages are not the problem. That is just where we changed settings for http and https to try both Shared SSL and Full SSL to see if it made a difference.


It looks like our ipn.php is found and verified from Paypal, but orders_id errors and never changes from 0. We need some more help from Terra to go from here.



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PHP Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in E:\Hosted_Web\website\catalog\admin\customers.php on line 733 PHP Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in E:\Hosted_Web\website\catalog\admin\customers.php on line 735 PHP Warning: reset() [function.reset]: Passed variable is not an array or object in E:\Hosted_Web\website\catalog\admin\includes\classes\object_info.php on line 17 PHP Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in E:\Hosted_Web\website\catalog\admin\includes\classes\object_info.php on line 18


Was solved, or so far as I can tell ( still testing) by adding an "array" classificatin into the relavent lines in customers.php as PHP5 appears to handle arrays differently to previous versions.

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I have installed the 2.2 Milestone version of the Paypal module and everything is working well and I am accepting payments successfully.


However for customers who have paid I have multiple enteries in the transaction history. For example see the screen shot below:




The customers has reported that he keeps receiving emails with an order invoice.


How can I stop this and why is it hapenning, any help would very much be appreciated.





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The customers has reported that he keeps receiving emails with an order invoice. Rob.


The payment status is updated every time PayPal sends an update to your site. These updates should only happen when the status of a payment changes (e.g. an eCheque clears). Order emails are sent when the payment update is to notify of a successful, cleared payment. On your site therefore PayPal keeps on sending the same success IPN update, resulting in the multiple entries.


Why this is happening on your site I don't know. If you have time, I'd suggest contacting PayPal and ask them about repeat IPN updates to your site. For some reason, PayPal seems to think that it hasn't notified you yet, so it keeps on trying.


And be aware -it's not just duplicate order emails, but also multiple stock reductions so I'd advise to check / correct your stock levels.


If you can't rectify it, I'd recommend downgrading to v1.4 - at least, then there'll be no duplicate order emails / stock reductions although your admin will still show the multiple entries.



My code for combining PayPal IPN with ** QTPro 4.25 ** osC Affiliate ** CCGV(trad)

and how to solve the invoice already paid error

General info: Allow customer to delete order comment ** FTP Programs & Text Editors ** Amending order email **

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If you can't rectify it, I'd recommend downgrading to v1.4 - at least, then there'll be no duplicate order emails / stock reductions although your admin will still show the multiple entries.




Many thnaks I will give what you have suggested a go.



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Hey folks,


I'm one db call away from getting IPN working on my site.

I've the latest version of OsCommerce (oscommerce-2.2rc1) with

Terra's osCommerce_PayPal_IPN_v2.2 contribution added.


Paypal is returning a VEFIFIED post to my ipn script but when it then

attempts to perform the following db call


select currency, currency_value from orders where orders_id = '26' and customers_id = '2'


I get the following mysql exception

2013 - Lost connection to MySQL server during query


Thankfully this happens all the time as opposed to intermittently so it's probably a config issue

but if anyone has seen this before could they point me in the right direction for the answer?




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Incidentally folks the cURL option wouldn't work for me. The following is the code I was using to implement it

as per the setup html file in the IPN 2_2 contri.

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://' . $server . '/cgi-bin/webscr');

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $parameters);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 300);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);


$caller->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_PROXY, "http://proxy.shr.secureserver.net:3128");


$result = curl_exec($ch);

Once it wouldn't work I reverted to using option 3


by commenting out the appropriate section in ipn.php


if ( (PHP_VERSION >= 4.3) && ($fp = @fsockopen('ssl://' . $server, 443, $errno, $errstr, 30)) ) {

tee_log('PP TEST option1 - fsocket is true, port 443');

$fsocket = true;

# } elseif (function_exists('curl_exec')) {

# $curl = true;

} elseif ($fp = @fsockopen($server, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30)) {

tee_log('PP TEST option3 - fsocket is true, port 80');

$fsocket = true;




I guess this means that my payment information is going over unsecured?

Once I get the unsecured payments working then I'll go about getting the encrypted payments



In the mean time if anyone has any ideas as to why my cURL isn't working that would be great.


Thanks for all the help folks,


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Hey Terra and all,


Found out what was causing the


lost connection to mysql server during query


The cause was to do with the following lines in the ipn.php file.


if ( (PHP_VERSION >= 4.3) && ($fp = @fsockopen('ssl://' . $server, 443, $errno, $errstr, 30)) ) {

$fsocket = true;

} elseif (function_exists('curl_exec')) {

$curl = true;

} elseif ($fp = @fsockopen($server, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30)) {

$fsocket = true;



A week ago it became apparent tha the cURL option wasn't working so I removed the option from the if statement.

Alas whatever is going on under the hood of the line @fsockopen('ssl://' . $server, 443, $errno, $errstr, 30)

was preventing any mysql queries from executing resulting in the above line.


I commented it out too and now only have


if ($fp = @fsockopen($server, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30)) {

$fsocket = true;



and it zips through, updates the order to pending and emails me the order too!!!! So I'm happy as a pig in the perverbial :thumbsup:


Thanks a million for the great contrib Terra. If there's any chance you could glance over the @fsockopen('ssl://' . $server, 443, $errno, $errstr, 30)

and let me know if you can see how it might be knockin' out the mysql query ability that would be great.


Right now my orders are updating to pending. What's the difference between pending and processing? From this point do I have to update the orders manually?


I'm going to go about getting encrypted web payments going now. I presume I'll have to uncomment out the first option with the ssl once it's in place??

Any heads up on any problems I'm likely to encounter would be great.


Thanks again,



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  • 2 weeks later...

Forget it - self-deleted post


If first Vger and now Terra have run off, I guess I'll just have to do without PayPal_IPN and CCGV

Edited by totalnumpty

Wearing a seatbelt prevents head injuries when the computer crashes - - - Yeah Right!!! - not in this office.

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I am getting this error when I go to the modules.php part of the admin section & I do not know how to fix it, I am pulling out my hair trying to fix this -


Fatal error: Call to undefined method paypal_ipn::check() in /mounted-storage/home37c/sub005/sc29594-KNCX/royalrichesinventions.com/catalog/admin/modules.php on line 140


Please help.


Thank you,




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hello. i have just installed the PayPal IPN contribution (i believe i did it all correctly)


I have someone making test orders for me, and when she did the test order, the premature order showed up in my admin section before she was finished as it was supposed to. The problem now is that once she paid it still shows the invalid process symbol in the status. But I received the payment just fine. Is there something that i did wrong or does it just take time to catch up??


thanks for any help in advance!!

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I am also getting this email from stemming from that order: (I have taken out the personal info for protection)



PayPal IPN Invalid Process











payment_date=16:56:09 Aug 26, 2007 PDT







address_name=***** *****





address_country=United States





















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PayPal Despair!

Totally lost using the Sandbox


I am trying to use Terra's PayPal IPN Contribution and I am really struggling. I have set up a Sandbox account on PayPal, but I am not getting anywhere. I have been on to PayPal to get some help, but I'm still getting nowhere. This is their last email to me:


The reason that pre-population is not working (customer details are not passed to the checkout page) is because the third party cart you are using is passing the incorrect variables. For example your cart is passing:


<input type="hidden" name="address_name" value="paypal tester">
<input type="hidden" name="address_street" value="1111 paypal dr.">
<input type="hidden" name="address_city" value="Omaha">
<input type="hidden" name="address_zip" value="68111">
<input type="hidden" name="address_state" value="NE">
<input type="hidden" name="address_country_code" value="US">
<input type="hidden" name="address_country" value="United States">


These are the incorrect variables. The correct variables to use can be found at the link below:




I recommend you contact your cart about this. Or maybe try to find a newer module to download from OScommerce. Using the current module the customers information will NEVER be displayed on the PayPal checkout page. There is no way for me to change the code for OScommerce.


Now, for the amount not being passed. When I tested the amount was being passed properly. I have attached a screen shot of the checkout page I received during my test. You will see the file sandboxcheckout.JPG. If you do run into an issue with the amount not showing this is due to the information being passed in the code as well.


Anytime you see an email address in the 'Login' box of the checkout page, this is due to a cookie stored on the machine you are using. For example, if I have logged in at any point and time, and you have never cleared the cookies on your machine my email address will be "remembered" by the website. Due to a Login cookie that PayPal stores on the machine. Clearing your cookies should rid of that email address appearing. I clear cookies consistenly here at work, and you will notice no email address in the Login box of the screen shot.


I have no idea where these values are coming from! As far as I know, I have none of the values mentioned viz. paypal tester, Omaha etc. don't appear on my website!!


I don't understand how I fit all the variables mentioned in the PayPal link into the contribution.


These are my settings in Admin:


Enable PayPal IPN Module: True

Gateway Server: Testing

Email address: The e-mail address to use for the PayPal IPN service

Sort order of display: 0

Transaction Currency: Selected Currency Payment Zone: none

Force shipping address: False

Set Preparing Order Status: default

Set PayPal Acknowledged Order Status: default

Set PayPal Completed Order Status: default

Transaction Type: Aggregate

Move tax to total amount: True

Page Style: blank

Debug E-Mail Address: as above

Enable Encrypted Web Payments: false

Your Private Key: blank

Your Public Certificate blank

PayPals Public Certificate: blank

Your PayPal Public Certificate ID: blank

Working Directory: blank

OpenSSL Location: /usr/bin/openssl


The site is not yet live and has no SSL etc. yet. Should I delete the default "OpenSSL Location"?


Can someone please help me and point me in the right direction?


I apologise if the answer is somewhere in the forum, but 140 pages takes a long time to read!

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Regarding the data value $order->info['payment_method'] used in the orders history, shipping note, invoice, payPal IPN etc etc etc


When I'm using the sandbox to test the system, it returns the relevant Processing [PayPal IPN] response, but from then on does not update anything. the initial email to customer and store owner goes out showing the payment method, but from there on, nowhere in any module or screen shows the payment method and all updating of the transaction process has to be done manually (which triggers the correct status-change emails but again fails to show the payment method).


So two problems -


First, does anyone know of a bug fix for the payment method not showing up anywhere except the very first emails after making the payment?


Second, is this likely to be the cause of PayPal not updating the transaction status? If not, what is?


Config info -

osC 2.2 RC1 + PayPal IPN 1.4 (with "order already paid" fix in place as per help files) + CCGV(Trad) 21 May 07


All CCGV(Trad) : IPN (Vger / Terra only) patches and fixes in place as per default downloaded packages from the contribs threads.


Low Order charge is OFF, All taxes are 0.0% currently and tax inclusion is off for IPN (no point including it if it's not charged)


Hope someone out there can help with this - it's cost me 8 hours so far today



Edited by Harald Ponce de Leon

Wearing a seatbelt prevents head injuries when the computer crashes - - - Yeah Right!!! - not in this office.

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PayPal Despair!

Totally lost using the Sandbox


I am trying to use Terra's PayPal IPN Contribution and I am really struggling. I have set up a Sandbox account on PayPal, but I am not getting anywhere. I have been on to PayPal to get some help, but I'm still getting nowhere. This is their last email to me:

I have no idea where these values are coming from! As far as I know, I have none of the values mentioned viz. paypal tester, Omaha etc. don't appear on my website!!


I don't understand how I fit all the variables mentioned in the PayPal link into the contribution.


These are my settings in Admin:


Enable PayPal IPN Module: True

Gateway Server: Testing

Email address: The e-mail address to use for the PayPal IPN service

Sort order of display: 0

Transaction Currency: Selected Currency Payment Zone: none

Force shipping address: False

Set Preparing Order Status: default

Set PayPal Acknowledged Order Status: default

Set PayPal Completed Order Status: default

Transaction Type: Aggregate

Move tax to total amount: True

Page Style: blank

Debug E-Mail Address: as above

Enable Encrypted Web Payments: false

Your Private Key: blank

Your Public Certificate blank

PayPals Public Certificate: blank

Your PayPal Public Certificate ID: blank

Working Directory: blank

OpenSSL Location: /usr/bin/openssl


The site is not yet live and has no SSL etc. yet. Should I delete the default "OpenSSL Location"?


Can someone please help me and point me in the right direction?


I apologise if the answer is somewhere in the forum, but 140 pages takes a long time to read!


The variables in PayPal's email will be contained in one of the PayPal IPN files ........ disappears to check which one ......


...... yup thought so - in the catalog/includes/modules/paypal_ipn.php file - you'll find a long list of variables there,

also in the catalog root, in the checkout_process.php file you'll find the same list of variables, but those are all arrays, NOT input type="hidden" which are normally more for forms collecting data to be emailed .


Are you sure you haven't copied some code from a non-IPN version?

If memory serves me right, the single item payment buttons from the PayPal button factory generates code that looks like that.



Wearing a seatbelt prevents head injuries when the computer crashes - - - Yeah Right!!! - not in this office.

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I have just installed the Paypal IPN 2.2 and it works about 60%.


1. When I place an order it updates everything except it does not move my Order Status to Pending once the customer returns to the Checkout_success.php page. It remains at PreParing (paypal ipn)


2. No Order email is sent when the purchase is complete either to the customer. It does send an email once I manually change the order status from PreParing (paypal ipn) to processing.


I have searched this forum for an answer and have not found anything precise to my problem, but I ran across a thread that said to go to your WWW.MY SITE.com/ext/modules/payment/paypal_ipn/IPN.PHP file and make sure you get a blank page. I do not get a blank page when I do so I get the following errors and warnings.


Warning: chdir() [function.chdir]: No such file or directory (errno 2) in d:\hosting\member\mysite\ext\modules\payment\paypal_ipn\ipn.php on line 13


Warning: main(includes/application_top.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in d:\hosting\member\mysite\ext\modules\payment\paypal_ipn\ipn.php on line 14


Warning: main(includes/application_top.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in d:\hosting\member\mysite\ext\modules\payment\paypal_ipn\ipn.php on line 14


Warning: main(includes/application_top.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in d:\hosting\member\mysite\ext\modules\payment\paypal_ipn\ipn.php on line 14


Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'includes/application_top.php' (include_path='.;c:\php4\pear') in d:\hosting\member\mysite\ext\modules\payment\paypal_ipn\ipn.php on line 14


Can anyone help me out with this? Thanks

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Regarding the data value $order->info['payment_method'] used in the orders history, shipping note, invoice, payPal IPN etc etc etc


When I'm using the sandbox to test the system, it returns the relevant Processing [PayPal IPN] response, but from then on does not update anything. the initial email to customer and store owner goes out showing the payment method, but from there on, nowhere in any module or screen shows the payment method and all updating of the transaction process has to be done manually (which triggers the correct status-change emails but again fails to show the payment method).


So two problems -


First, does anyone know of a bug fix for the payment method not showing up anywhere except the very first emails after making the payment?


Second, is this likely to be the cause of PayPal not updating the transaction status? If not, what is?


Config info -

osC 2.2 RC1 + PayPal IPN 1.4 (with "order already paid" fix in place as per help files) + CCGV(Trad) 21 May 07


All CCGV(Trad) : IPN (Vger / Terra only) patches and fixes in place as per default downloaded packages from the contribs threads.


Low Order charge is OFF, All taxes are 0.0% currently and tax inclusion is off for IPN (no point including it if it's not charged)


Hope someone out there can help with this - it's cost me 8 hours so far today





Update to the above

Hope this answer helps some others


In the language files for each of the payment modules in use, I'd edited the module text titles to give a "prettier" display in checkout and in the admin page for payments modules, making them more visual, so that for example, the PayPal_IPN MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_IPN_TEXT_TITLE had this code for the line -


define('MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_IPN_TEXT_TITLE', '<img src="http://path/catalog/images/PayShip/PayPalCards.gif" align=left width=147 border="0"><b>Credit & Debit Card Payments via PayPal\'s Secure Servers</b><br><font color="#999999">We accept all PayPal currencies & payment types.<br>No PayPal account required for card payments.</font>');


which would show as -


PayPalCards.gifCredit & Debit Card Payments via PayPal's Secure Servers

We accept all PayPal currencies & payment types.

No PayPal account required for card payments.


(except that all of the text is in tight rows to the right of the image in both checkout-payments and admin-modules-payments)


The problem has appeared because the $var field in the SQL database is only for 32 characters

Therefore, the $order->info['payment_method'] field in SQL contains - <img src="http://path/catalog/im

and within osC's various admin screens (including invoice and shipping note) the payment method returns as either a broken image link "pizza box" or as blank space.


Looks like I have to find another way (or a different position in the text of 'MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_IPN_TEXT_TITLE') to tie the image to the payment method for the checkout payment selection.


Anyone have a clue for what could be good to do this?



Wearing a seatbelt prevents head injuries when the computer crashes - - - Yeah Right!!! - not in this office.

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The variables in PayPal's email will be contained in one of the PayPal IPN files ........ disappears to check which one ......


...... yup thought so - in the catalog/includes/modules/paypal_ipn.php file - you'll find a long list of variables there,

also in the catalog root, in the checkout_process.php file you'll find the same list of variables, but those are all arrays, NOT input type="hidden" which are normally more for forms collecting data to be emailed .


Are you sure you haven't copied some code from a non-IPN version?

If memory serves me right, the single item payment buttons from the PayPal button factory generates code that looks like that.


I have looked through the file above and found the link to the sandbox server is: https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr

Paypal have suggested this is wrong. I'm awaiting their reply giving me another link.


I don't think I have copied any code from a non-IPN version. I don't know if it's me, PayPal, the Module, osCommerce or PHP5 ! It's probably me, but I just don't know what is wrong!


define('MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_IPN_TEXT_TITLE', '<img src="http://path/catalog/images/PayShip/PayPalCards.gif"'>http://path/catalog/images/PayShip/PayPalCards.gif"

align=left width=147 border="0"><b>Credit & Debit Card Payments via PayPal\'s Secure Servers</b><br>

font color="#999999">We accept all PayPal currencies & payment types.<br>No PayPal account required for card



Seems like a good idea. If I ever get PayPal working properly!



The problem has appeared because the $var field in the SQL database is only for 32 characters

Therefore, the $order->info['payment_method'] field in SQL contains - <img src="http://path/catalog/im

and within osC's various admin screens (including invoice and shipping note) the payment method returns as either a broken image link "pizza box" or as blank space.


Why can't you just change the length of the $var field in the database?

Don't ask me how to do it though! Can you change it to "TEXT" then it can be as long as you like?

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What I've done with this


define('MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_IPN_TEXT_TITLE', '<img src="http://path/catalog/images/PayShip/PayPalCards.gif"
align=left width=147 border="0"><b>Credit & Debit Card Payments via PayPal\'s Secure Servers</b><br>
font color="#999999">We accept all PayPal currencies & payment types.<br>No PayPal account required for card 


is switch it around a little to get the payment method name at the front of the title


define('MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_IPN_TEXT_TITLE', 'PayPal incl Credit & Debit Card Payments via Secure Servers.  <br><img src="http://path/catalog/images/PayShip/PayPalCards.gif" align=left width=147 border="0"><font color="#999999">We accept all PayPal currencies & payment types.  <br>No PayPal account required for card 


This gives a display of - PayPal incl Credit & Debit Card - as the payment method in each location where it's supposed to be.


I also found for readability reasons in the emails sent to sales and customers, at the end of each text sentence, it was neccesary to add a full-stop/period and a space before the break-line code.


Sandbox is working for me on the URL you gave



Wearing a seatbelt prevents head injuries when the computer crashes - - - Yeah Right!!! - not in this office.

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Sorry to add another question to the discussion, I installed paypal IPN without any problems, and it worked fine until I moved the site from one host to another. Now all order show as preparing regardless of whether payment has been received - any ideas why this is and how I can fix it? Should I reinstall?

Edited by pace
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Sorry to add another question to the discussion, I installed paypal IPN without any problems, and it worked fine until I moved the site from one host to another. Now all order show as preparing regardless of whether payment has been received - any ideas why this is and how I can fix it? Should I reinstall?



Sounds like it might be a return path URL issue


Check the web address in the ipn.php and paypal_ipn.php files is correct for the new folder structure on the new host, also check the new hosting company have correctly registered the address records in the name servers at the new host.



Wearing a seatbelt prevents head injuries when the computer crashes - - - Yeah Right!!! - not in this office.

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within catalog ther is an ext folder that has ipn.php do chek whether its there or not.

If its there chek its permission plus also chek the notify url path in the payment module class code.



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