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Footer corruption problem - very weird


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Hi guys, hoping someone has a clue what might be going on at the the bottom of the homepage:



first time i view the page (IE6) the footer seems to merge with the right-hand sidebar and the google adsense joins up with the specials infobox.


However, upon refreshing the browser, the problem mysteriously disapears...


Ive tried removing the google ads and the specials infobox bu the footer still jumps to the right-hand sidebar.


First view, there is part of a </table> tag missing, leaving just </. After refresh the close tag is displayed as it should be.


Has anyone got an idea why this might be happening? How can it be a problem with the PHP when a refresh fixes it?

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on the line below <?php at the very beginning of the file, add


ini_set ( 'session.use_trans_sid', 0);

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