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Category infobox links to change color


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I am trying to figure out how to change the links in the category box from the <a> color defined in the stylesheet.css. I have searched everywhere and found alot of references to it all being defined by <a> and attempted to do it through STS and defining classes to the layout areas and Great Categories; however, neither one seems to accomplish this. I haven't tried Great Categories with CSS only because I've seen that it has had some issues but I am willing to try it if it is my only alternative.


My end goal is to make the links on my left nav white while the rest of the site has black links. The site color eliminates white as the overall link color and the client wants white on the navigation. You can see it at www.preciousbabydesigns.com.


My limited ideas are if there is a way to define how the content portion comes up I can change it there and then modify the main stylesheet. Or, if there is a way to just modify the category box links.


Is there a way to do this?




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Never mind.... After about the 50th search and trying multiple ways to type it in I finally found one that could answer it.


I had the right idea, just kept typing it in slightly backwards.


Just so there is an answer attached to the thread, I modified stylesheet.css to add a .boxtext A {color: #ffffff} and a .boxtext A:hover {color:#ffffff}. I kept reversing it and putting A.boxtext or A.boxinfo and any other combination I could think of.


Thanks for answering my question :-" HaHa.



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