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Tax Rate Not Shown on Check Out


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Hi, I had followed the instruction from the knowledge base to set up the CA Sales Tax. In the categories/products listing in Administration Tools, it shows that the tax rate is automatically calculated. When I test the order, using the check out and purchase from CA state, there is no sales tax charge shows on the order. Can someone please tell me how to correct it? I sincerely appreciated. Thank you.

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I also have to charge CA Tax so what I did instead of having to have the shopping cart figure out the ca tax

cause there is not one set rate, I charge one tax rate across the board. Its high for some, just right for others and

not high enough for others. Until CA has the same tax rate for all (yah and pigs fly) its just easier to charge the higher tax.

Where I am its 7.50 but where the company that I get most of nail polish from is 8.25 so I charge 8.00 cause

its just too hard to figure it out for eveyone.

Don't know if that will help ya, but sometimes why make more work for yourself?? :thumbsup:

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I also have to charge CA Tax so what I did instead of having to have the shopping cart figure out the ca tax

cause there is not one set rate, I charge one tax rate across the board. Its high for some, just right for others and

not high enough for others. Until CA has the same tax rate for all (yah and pigs fly) its just easier to charge the higher tax.

Where I am its 7.50 but where the company that I get most of nail polish from is 8.25 so I charge 8.00 cause

its just too hard to figure it out for eveyone.

Don't know if that will help ya, but sometimes why make more work for yourself?? :thumbsup:

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