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When going through check out it doesnt give a list of payment options


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Thing is I set it to just use paypal and when i am testing a purchase i go through the check out and when gets to payment there is no option choosen. Thing is paypal is ON and it does goto paypal but some times say choose a payment method and there is no choices.


And yes everything is turned on in the payment moduaqles.



Also when i turn on more than 1 payment method still shows no payment methids.


If you curious to see try doing a test order.




Let me know if it sound fimilliar and if this has been documented please post a link to the forum because i do not know how to serach for this issue properly.


Thank You,

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Thing is I set it to just use paypal and when i am testing a purchase i go through the check out and when gets to payment there is no option choosen. Thing is paypal is ON and it does goto paypal but some times say choose a payment method and there is no choices.


And yes everything is turned on in the payment moduaqles.



Also when i turn on more than 1 payment method still shows no payment methids.


If you curious to see try doing a test order.




Let me know if it sound fimilliar and if this has been documented please post a link to the forum because i do not know how to serach for this issue properly.


Thank You,


Solved Issue.

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