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Changing the index content to dif html source


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Hi i would like to change the:


define('TEXT_MAIN', '... comming soon...');


line in english.php to show my special offer html document i spent last 2 days doing. I Tried just inserting all the HTML in where is says ...comming soon... but none of the pictures show and all the style is messed up. Is there a more efficent way to do this?


On this new document i made i have put buy buttons on them, waht code would i use to link them with the selected product. just a small example would do on both parts, i just need pointed in right direction.


THanks guys,



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you should be able to do this with no problem but you will need to cancel out all of the quotes...



<img src="

needs to be

<img src=\"


This tells the page to treat the " as html and not php.

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i'm pretty sure you:


go to /includes/languages/english/index.php


define('TEXT_MAIN', 'place your HTML here!'


whatever HTML you place here gets rendered in index.php (so as long as you put images into /images and reference them as images/image.jpg all should be fine). the other files in this folder work in a similar way, it's actually quite easy to make fairly radical layout changes here by nuking the columns and inserting tables etc...


hope that's useful.





some one must be able to help?
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