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I exceeded Max_Questions? HELp


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Your host has set a limit to the number of queries your site can perform in one hour. This is why you may see this error intermittently, or you might never see it again. It's not an OSCommerce error, though there are steps you can take to reduce the number of queries you're running against the database. You will need to contact your host and see what they offer as a solution. They may increase your max_query number, or they may give you a second user name, or they may ask for more money.



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I caused this "delete from whos_online where time_last_click" problem myself. I used a link checking program to check for bad links on my website. It ended up following over 18000 links, which I wasn't expecting. This ended up resulting in the "delete from whos_online where time_last_click" error.


I found the necessary reset code to use in mySQL database on this forum posted by Ajeh at this link:



This is something I did't know how to fix. Ajeh's code really helped. The code got me up and running.


The first time I had a "you've accessed your database too many times" type error. I called the support desk at my web host. The tech told me it was a problem on my side, having to do with the php files. The problem wasn't fixed. I called back again and got another guy and he fixed it/reset it right away. I guess my point here is, the support desk is made up of people who know what they're doing and people who don't.



If I'm giving advice, it is based on what path I would take to fix your problem. My path may be wrong.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm running into the same problem with my host. I finally got one of them to tell me what they were doing...

They were resetting the mySQL database password and changing it back. Seems to close any hanging connections.


The error indicates an hourly problem and should fix itself but doesn't if there are still open connections. So somewhere in the PHP there is a DB connect that is not closing after the query. Has anyone found it?

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In includes/configure.php and admin/includes/configure.php, make sure USE_PCONNECT is set to false.


define('USE_PCONNECT', 'false'); // use persistent connections?




Checked those. Both set to False.


I did find the same IP address in my "whos online" table and found 1 google bot 79 times. I'm betting this is the real culprit. I added a robots.txt file with disallow: storepath to the root. This should block all bots.


Hope this helps someone else.

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