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The e-commerce.

Cuddly Kingdom


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Cuddly Kingdom was created for a friend of mine and sells a brand of character based merchandise. I feel it?s pretty much near completion but I?ll leave it up to you guys.


So tell me what you think please of www.cuddlykingdom.co.uk





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very nice site


a few things though :


1) your store doesn't use ssl, i hope it will before it goes live...

2) you should use some meta-tags contrib for your pages.

3) maybe implement the Purchase Without Account method and just remove the "Welcome Guest!" text on the main page... registering before buying just doesn't work for some sites.


thats all for now, again very nice site :)

Designrfix.com | Graphic Design Inspiration & Web Design Resources - @designrfix
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Sorry for taking so long to reply, you know how it is when you get started on something. Anyway I'm not 100% sure about the ssl thing, I thought since I was using paypal their wouldn't be any problems with things like that aka I don''t fully understand what its for.


The meta tags contrib is on my list of things to do, so it should be working in the next few days.


My client refuses to budge of remving the purchase without account, but i'm gonna keep pushing it


I've had a whole load of problems with totals in the shopping cart stage which have just been fixed, still not recieving any ipn warning from paypal into my admin, which is kina annoying.


Its not all bad news though, the shop recieved its first confirmed order!!!! :D happy its all coming together now just a shame its not my shop



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You need an SSL certificate. You are collecting customers names, phone numbers, and shipping addresses on your site. Your customer will be legally responsible for this information and its security- is that not worth $50-100 to avoid a lawsuit?

My advice comes in two flavors- Pick the one that won't offend you.


Hard and Cynical: How to Make a Horrible osCommerce Site


Warm and Fuzzy: How to Make an Awesome osCommerce Site

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So i've been finding out what i can about ssl certificates. Good news is I know a bit about them now, bad news is my account on supanames appears to not support them.


My Head hurts!!!!

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So i've been finding out what i can about ssl certificates. Good news is I know a bit about them now, bad news is my account on supanames appears to not support them.


My Head hurts!!!!


You're in the uk, you wont get sued for not using ssl to collect registration details, and neither will your client.

Your client will have responsibility under the data protection act, but as you are using a 3rd party psp who will have thier own ssl for the credit card part it shouldnt be a problem. You are only collecting information that is readily available from an electoral register anyway (apart from the phone number)

besides, your professional indemnity insurance should cover you if the client gets into a sticky situation and tries to pass it to you.

If your client decides to sell all the names and email addresses, again thats not your problem.


you're right about supanames, i used to use them ages ago and gave it up as a bad idea, particularly the support. :(



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I like it a lot but I think the solid blue background is a bit overkill. I would go with a pattern or maybe a stripe ina different color to make it look a little less bluey.


The design is awesome though. How did you get rid of the right column?



Samuel Mateo, Jr.

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Now that I look at it again I'm beginning to agree the background does need some work. I?ll add it to my list of stuff still to do.


In regards to removing the right hand column, I use dreamweaver for ease factor, I can code within in and I can upload straight to my server simply my hitting Ctrl + S. In other words I opened up every file with the column in it and deleted, sure you I could have done a search and replace though and commented the right hand border code out.


If anyone is curious the site is doing well won?t go into money but it managing an average of three customers a day, but I guess that?s down to the Christmas rush. Cant wait to set up and new one and put into practice the lessons I?ve learnt over the past month.

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