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creating an extra page using a previous html file


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I am currently using the extra pages contribution but I find this limiting in terms of seo by the way it handles the name of each page = pagesid=5 etc. The reason why I use this was to create extra pages and be able to post html within the page easily as my level of pure html is basic.


I have decided to create extra pages and info box using the oscomerce documentation method:




The problem I have with this is that I already have a formated page in html and would like to use this instead of re-writing the page.



I think I have found a solution but would like to discuss the pro's and con's of using the method below:


I am kinda new to php. I have searched but can't find the answer to my question. In the php files, like contact us.php, privacty.php, etc. Can I make a HTML page in DreamWeaver and make a link to that page or copy the HTML code into the php file and it show up? If so, then can I just open the php file and CTRL + A to select every thing and then delet it. Then make the link or past the HTML. I already have a contact us, privacy, shiping page built from my old site.



Yes you can and it is pretty simple. You look for the folowing line (in conditions.php it is around line 54


<td class="main"><?php echo TEXT_INFORMATION; ?></td>


You change it to


<td class="main"><?php require('conditions.html'); ?></td>


Then you create a conditions.html file in the same folder as your conditions.php file that you can edit in dreamweaver, frontpage etc. and it will pull the info onto the page. Do not inlude any body tags just the code you want to show up in your text area and the formating needed for that.


Doing it this way is handy if you have a lot of text or text that you change often as you will not have to worry about the parse errors.


The full post can be found here:



Is this a sensible way of achieving what I would like to do, I hope I made sense!

Kind Regards



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