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Shipping method mased on order total


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Hi Guys


I wondered if there is a method of manipulating the checkout process that in the event an order exceeds a certain amount say 199 euros then a particular shipping method will only be offer to the customer.


The reason for this is simple ...


All paypal transactions under 200 Euro if disputed can be resolved by sending in just the normal delivery reference (proof of delivery). However, any Paypal order exceeding 200 euros which is also disputed must be supported by a reputable courier tracking number i.e. Fedex or UPS etc ....


I would like to know if there is such a contibution for Fedex since this is the courier we use for most of our transactions. I know that there is a contribution for UPS but nothing else, maybe someone can assist ?


Thanks for your help

Edited by useronthenet
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I wondered if there is a method of manipulating the checkout process that in the event an order exceeds a certain amount say 199 euros then a particular shipping method will only be offer to the customer.
There used to be a page in the Tips & Tricks section of the Knowledge Base how to do something similar with payment modules. I guess you can do the same thing with your shipping modules, but probably you will need $order->info['subtotal'] instead of $order->info['total'].


The page said this (taken from the Google cache):

Disabling Payment Modules For Orders Over A Certain Amount	Last Update: 4th May, 2004
Article ID: 58



Payment modules can be disabled real-time for orders made over a set amount.

The COD (Cash On Delivery) payment module will be used as an example for the solution.


An "if" statement needs to be added to the payment module source file, that checks the order total amount and disables the module if the set amount has been reached.

The following line in includes/modules/payment/cod.php sets the status of the module:

 $this->enabled = ((MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_STATUS == 'True') ? true : false);

The "if" statement needs to be added after the line above, with:

 $this->enabled = ((MODULE_PAYMENT_COD_STATUS == 'True') ? true : false);

 if ( ($this->enabled == true) && ($order->info['total'] >= 100) ) {
$this->enabled = false;

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