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Affiliate Setup Advice needed


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I am just setting up my AFFILIATES with various companies out there. Now with one I have to put a bit of code on the "thank you page". Now my question is:


Am I right in thinking this is the "checkout_success" page in OSC or am I wrong and it is another page?


Any advice please?


Thanks and regards,



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Isn`t the code a image with a link back to the affiliates site,


What code u got m8





Hi Mick, yep it is. the code is:


<img src="https://shareasale.com/sale.cfm?amount=AMOUNTOFSALE&tracking=TRACKINGNUMBER&transtype=TYPEOFTRANSACTION&merchantID=XXXX" width="1" height="1">


where the XXXX is my merchant ID

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You place a small piece of code on the receipt page of your website, which will serve as the trigger to shareasale.com that a sale has been made.

Found this m8,





Cheers Mick,


but the question is: that "receipt page" they are on about, is that the "Checkout_success" page in the OSC store?

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