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I require a tiny bit of help


I require to add a Gif button to the Header of my webpage. (Much like the standard Account / Checkout ) that are standard on the top right of the standard template. (not on navigation bar)


Can anyone advise what files (many i guess) I need to edit, what i have to do to them to show me my gif on the left of the header and when clicked open a page outwith the website.


Thanks for any help


In short

require to add a Button to the Header Bar that links to an external HTML Page. I need it to sit to the left of the Screen. Can anyone provide me with a little guide or indeed list what files i need to edit to get it working !! :rolleyes:

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Oh i see its like clues, then you tell me if I am hot or cold :-"


Indeed i could copy the info shown there for the other images, but it still wouldnt clear up for me what i have to do to achieve the desired effect... :'(


I appeal to your better nature :D


As i have been around these forums aince about 4 this morning trying to get a responce lol (Different post) :P :thumbsup:

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