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The e-commerce.

NOT forcing cookies and THEY don't have the session id problem!


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Subject site: http://www.discountcandleshop.com/


I have my cookies turned off on my browser, which means this site is NOT forcing cookies because I was able to put things in my cart!


Yet, when I first visit them I do NOT get the session id in the url!!! Which means neither do the search engines.


So. Question.


How'd they do it!?!!?!?!


I can NOT wait to learn this trick! :)



I find the fun in everything.


Ha! Ok. Here's the scoop.


If you turn cookies off in your browser and visit the site I mentioned below you can surf and put an item in your cart. All WITHOUT getting the osCsid= in the browser.


We know search engines like this...


BUT BUT BUT, if you put something in your cart and then go and browse some more, guess what? Your cart empties out.


Why would a person do this?



I find the fun in everything.

If you turn cookies off in your browser and visit the site I mentioned below you can surf and put an item in your cart.

I don't see that. If I try to add an item to the cart, the cart remains empty with cookies disabled.


Hi eniigma1,


That is what I meant to say. At first I thought they had some "secret" that I couldn't figure out. It turns out (and you can tell me if I'm right) -- but they have it set up so it does NOT force cookies, BUT also does NOT use osCsid.


Is that what you see too? I can't see any osCsid even on inital load of page with them.



I find the fun in everything.


when I went there it did prompt me for cookies and I blocked them to check the cart. So without cookies is like every other store. You do not have these sessions I think if you can have cookies on with a dedicated ssl. But if you disable cookies the cart is unusable.


I've been at this tooooo long today!




Ok, just so I understand you right. You are saying that with THEIR site, if you disable cookis, the cart is NOT able to be used. Correct?


(Sorry, I'm really fried right now!)

I find the fun in everything.


yes like every other store. If you see the default osc brings you to that cookie usage page. The cart remains empty.


But unless I'm mistaken there are simple stores that work without cookies or session ids.

I wouldn't recommend it because the customer can change prices etc. but essentially you would pass the contents of the shopping cart around in post variables (possibly globals)


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