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i'm looking into the possiblity that i could change the the database headings to reflect the products on the site.


I basically would like to change things like:


products_name to products_title

products_model to products_artist




I also would like to change the manufacturer title to label ( label_id ect )

I do realise that this would involve a lot of heavy work and i have already cosmenticly ( as it were ) changed the titles in the store i just want to make it easier for product imports and things.


i have a basic site which isn't the finished thing just a test site here to see what i am getting at:





Also i would like to make the product_id field contain the catalog number rather than just the int value which gets automatically made when adding a product.


Rught i know i have asked alot htere i do have some programming experience ect but i'm no wizz, if it's to much work i'll stick wiht what i have done.

Any help is greatly appreciated !!



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Modifying the db is simple.. download and install phpmyadmin and you can do it from there...


you will then need to go through all the files and functions in oscommerce where the field names are used and change them as well.


For the product id do the samething but also change the data type to varchar and review the code for any type casting of product_id to int as this prevents string product id's.

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i had thought of doing what you suggested in relation to the product_id in php admin about changing to CHRS ect.I also wondered that if i added the product_id field to the easypopulate CSV file would it import it into the product_id field, or isn't it defined in the code ??


i'm gald it's possible, do you now exactly waht files need to be altered in relation to this or would it be best for me to go ahead and see waht happens and alter the files as i go along??


I'll give it a go tonight as i'm just tesing out various things at the moment it's not a disaster if things go wrong !


Thank you for the quick reply given me alot to think about now i know its not that hard to do!!!


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