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Please HELP! Shipping Insurance


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:sweating: Please HELP!


My store uses Paypal and Shipping Insurance v2.01 by Richard Bartz which works fine within osc. The problem is, as I confirmed with Paypal yesterday, Paypal currently does NOT support and accept 'shipping insurance' as a workable variable. In other words, the amount of shipping insurance passed by osc won't get displayed and included into the total amount at Paypal's checkout/pament page.


I'd like to know HOW I can add/route the amount of shipping insurance into the Shipping Cost as a part of the cost, therefore, to get the insurance included at Paypal. Does anyone have any ideas?


ALSO if you know any shipping insurance contributions that can provide an option to add shipping insurance under total amount of "Shipping Cost" please recommend!


Thanks a lot!

Edited by orverda
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This is one of the problems perhaps with Paypal IPN. If I were you I would look carefully at the EXTRA code we put in the instructions in the readme.txt file for users of Authorize.net...


In order for the shipping insurance amount to be included in the order total, we had to REARRANGE some of the code in the checkout_process.php file. Nothing too major, just a few lines.


This allowed the amount to be included in the total BEFORE the authorization process. It may be that you will need to look at when the PayPal IPN process handles order totaling and make sure that the shipping insurance amount is added to the total BEFORE authorization.


I have not worked with the Paypal payment module as I live in the Philippines and this is one of their "outlaw" countries. If I try to access PayPal from ANY IP here, it takes MONTHS of unbelievalbe hassle to fix it. It took a year to recover $475 last time... I no longer support anything having to do with Paypal for the sake of the one American account we have to have. Sorry.


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There has to be someone out there who has successfully used this module with Paypal IPN. Please try that.


There is also a UPS shipping module that I saw that includes shipping insurance That module may give you some ideas on how to arrange the checkout process so that it includes the shipping insurance on your site.


Forgive the slow support results from the users of osC. It is open source, so we all have our own things to do. I hope you figure it out.

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