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Email a shipping confirmation


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Hopefully I can point you in the right direction - have a look in admin/orders.php, find this code


		  if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['notify']) && ($HTTP_POST_VARS['notify'] == 'on')) {
		$notify_comments = '';
		if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['notify_comments']) && ($HTTP_POST_VARS['notify_comments'] == 'on')) {
		  $notify_comments = sprintf(EMAIL_TEXT_COMMENTS_UPDATE, $comments) . "\n\n";

					$email = "<pre>" . EMAIL_TEXT_GREETING . $check_status['customers_firstname'] . ",\n\n" .
				   EMAIL_TEXT_WELCOME . "\n\n" . 
				 EMAIL_SEPARATOR . "\n";

This sends the customer an email, conditionally if the notify/notifyComments tick boxes were ticked. You could change or duplicate this code, but change the IF conditions to consider whether $HTTP_POST_VARS['status'] = "Shipped" (Be careful, I think the value you'll be tetsing for of 'Shipped' is a parameter that can be modified in Admin i.e. so if you were to change this to 'Delivered' your auto email would stop working)


Good Luck



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