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The e-commerce.

Amazon style Shipping Preferences (group or faster items)


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I am working on a site in Japan that will list many products which will become available in the future, however the client still wants the customer to place orders for these products before they are available as well as ordering currently available items.


They would like an amazon style system whereby the customer can choose an option to have all products sent together when all are available (group shipping) or have them shipped as they become available (items faster). With the items faster option they would like to charge the customer extra for shipping depending on how many dispatches are made.


I have looked through the contributions section and the forums for a while and I can not find anything about this.


Does anyone know a good way to implement this? Would i need to make the system split up orders depending on the availablity? Are there any better solutions I can use? Any help would be aprecieated a lot.


Thanks in advance...



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