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mark products as purchased


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I want to do this in product_listing:



if (product already buyed) {



<td><span class="markProductPurchased"><b><?php echo TEXT_PURCHASED; ?></b></span></td>



} elseif (product not already buyed) {



<td><span class="markProductNewForYou"><b><?php echo TEXT_NEW_FOR_YOU; ?></b></span></td>






I built a SQLselection:



$order_check = tep_db_query("SELECT op.products_id FROM ".TABLE_ORDERS_PRODUCTS." AS op, ".TABLE_ORDERS." AS o WHERE o.customers_id = $customer_id AND op.orders_id = o.orders_id");
$ordercheck = tep_db_fetch_array($order_check);


Is this correct? And how can I put it into the "if" statement?



// ????? what about this way
if ( ($listing['products_id']) = ($ordercheck['products_id']) {...


How can I do this. Can anybody help me please? I'm an absolutely newbie. Or is there a better way to do this?


Thanks in advance



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