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The e-commerce.

EU 'Compliant' Privacy Notice+Conditions of Use


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Does anyone know where we can find

'EU Compliant' Privacy Notice and Conditions of Use, statements, please?


What special considerations do we need to include in EU-based osCommerce sites, please?

.....This stuff just cannot be casually 'winged' off a US model.

It must be 'correct,' but everybody in the EU osCommerce Community can use the same 'EU Compliant' model.

Many Many Thanks...



...'better safe than sorry' in the compliance world...

(Many thanks also for the excellent <US Better Business Bureau> reference


... kindly provided a few days ago,

.........but anyone with EU primary 'presence'/'place of doing business' needs a radically different model.


US & Canadian osC users _should_read_ the previous 'really helpful' link at



US & Canadian osC users will want to pay close attention to European Union/US Safe Harbor Compliance


..and, also read closely...

The U.S. Department of Commerce pages entitled: "Safe Harbor Overview"



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To ensure you have the language correct and are covered you must speak to a qualified legal person... people here can give you ideas but at the end of the day the compliance is yours to undertake...


"This is what they told me in the oscommerce forums" wouldnt be a very good legal defence :P

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[Thank you for the cute, obvious reply that every professional knows, but this _is_ a professional forum and everyone needs to focus on useful, problem-specific 'approaches' to answering relevant, outstanding community problems. "Teaming" is what Open Source is all about.

Let's keep this 100% professional and not blog here, please, even if it is sometimes funny. Thanks.]


'EU Compliant' Privacy Notice and Conditions of Use

1. This is an important osCommerce community issue (frequently overlooked), and there are many EU based firms needing guidance and an important 'approach' to dealing with this issue. (Anyone in a law firm is graciously invited to offer a little 'pro-bono' time to post EU-relevant professional links to aid others, of the same quality as the the US Better Business Bureau's global industry leading information portal - which was done in cooperation with and with the gratefully acknowledged financial support of the U.S. Department of Commerce +advice from its worldclass expert legal team & complemented by the Department of Commerce's own superb, 'Olympic Gold Medal' quality information portal!)

We openly posted these excellent US links as a 'professional courtesy' to help others "save their time..."


2. Every business professional knows (or will quickly learn) that no quality attorney will appreciate being asked to duplicate 'boilerplate' ~from scratch~ that has been carefully studied and worked on in Brussels and elsewhere in the EU for many years - by hundreds of legal experts and committees. The key here is not to "reinvent the wheel." Every decent attorney also will know that they will never get paid enough for their precious time "to re-do" what was 'already done so well' in Brussels by armies of their professional colleagues. ...So, show your legal advisor the 'respect' he/she deserves and 'do your homework'...


3. What every member of the osC Community in the EU needs is <quality links> to find information and an 'approach' to making these necessary documents.


4. Anyone's attorney will appreciate and enthusiastically welcome the work of being asked for his/her legal opinion on the relevance and "local suitability" of the resulting 'draft' work. Provide your documents to them electronically and on paper. Expect changes to your documents - he or she really _is_ an expert, but don't waste their time! Help them to help you...


...Remember, 25 EU member countries and local law still has precedence in many, many issues...

"Find+Study the best professional models, 'do your homework' and get an expert legal opinion"

The 'first trick' is to find the best models...


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[Thank you for the cute, obvious reply that every professional knows, but this _is_ a professional forum and everyone needs to focus on useful, problem-specific 'approaches' to answering relevant, outstanding community problems. "Teaming" is what Open Source is all about.

Let's keep this 100% professional and not blog here, please, even if it is sometimes funny. Thanks.]


I have no idea what your talking about :-" :)


These are not legal forums if you want legal advice seek advice from a professional.. It has nothing to do with open source :rolleyes:

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