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The e-commerce.

Premium SMS MicroPayments of Services&Products


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We will use also Premium SMS messages to sell our services from Europe.

We want to FULLY Integrate these SMS sales into our credit card /debit card based sales environment in osCommerce.


We will use the "SMS Me" - Order Updates by SMS contribution...from the UK, as a <valued tool>.


(Thank You!)


Our SMS gateway provider (a major mobile telco in our region) will send us its secure confirmation code ~600m from their network SSL server to ours, along a huge international backbone.

Imagine how >few< milliseconds that is...?!?...


Has anybody done SMS MicroPayments integration 'out there,' yet, in osCommerce?

Probably! ...but 'who&where,' please, please, please?


JAPAN is the World Leader In SMS MicroPayments!


Hello>>>>Please Share Your Wonderful 'Proven Answers' with us???


THANK YOU!!!!!!!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!


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