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The e-commerce.

Email of order confirmation is not sent to shop owner


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I just installed and tested this great contribution which is working nearly 100%.


I can receive all the IPN notifications, the orders back from Paypal to my admin panel BUT I don't receive order confirmation anymore from Oscommerce to the email address indicated in "Admin -> config -> My store -> email copy of orders"


Can somebody give me some tips on how to fix my prob or has somebody already encountered this issue ?




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Go to your Configuration>My Store>Send Extra Order Emails To> then enter the email where you want to send your orders to.



Wade Morris

Amarillo, Texas


Before you do any changes on your site you need to do BACKUP! BACKUP!

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Ok lets look at one more spot look under Configuration> Email Opions> and tell me what settings do you have on these:


1. Email Transport Method:

2. Email Linefeeds:

3. Use MIME HTML when sending emails:

3. Verify Email Adress through DNS:

4. Send Emails:


they should set as follows:


1. sendmail

2. LF

3. false

4. false

5. true

Wade Morris

Amarillo, Texas


Before you do any changes on your site you need to do BACKUP! BACKUP!

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Here is what I have :


1. Email Transport Method: send mail

2. Email Linefeeds: LF

3. Use MIME HTML when sending emails:true

3. Verify Email Adress through DNS:true

4. Send Emails:true



thanks for your help


Ok lets look at one more spot look under Configuration> Email Opions> and tell me what settings do you have on these:


1. Email Transport Method:

2. Email Linefeeds:

3. Use MIME HTML when sending emails:

3. Verify Email Adress through DNS:

4. Send Emails:


they should set as follows:


1. sendmail

2. LF

3. false

4. false

5. true

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Devosc, the author of the solution gave me the answer.


If you have the SEO contrib installed as well, you need to copy the following lines in /public_html/includes/modules/payment/paypal/application_top.inc.php :


// Ultimate SEO URLs v2.1

include_once(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'seo.class.php');

$seo_urls = new SEO_URL($languages_id);




It is the exact same code as in /public_html/includes/application_top.php


Thanks to Gregory for his help


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Believe it or not but it's not working again !


Since yesterday I added the "send_order_html_email_v54" contrib, worked on it all day and now that I'm doing the full test (placing an order)....I don't receive a confirmation email from oscommerce(store owner or customer).


If I want the customer to receive a confirmation, I have to change the status of the order and then he receives an email built in html with the newly installed contrib.


To run a test I installed the Paypal IPN Oscommerce version and it works fine (it didn't use my html templates to confirm the order).


I really think the version of devosc is great but can't make it work again now.


Please somebody help me....I was supposed to launch my website today and I'm stuck (it's only 2AM for me :))




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