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The e-commerce.

RedDOTSpecial what do you think


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Looks good - here are a few things that jump out at me:


Get rid of the bad oscommerce graphics in the top replace them with either text or images that say My Account | Cart Contents | Checkout


I'm in internet Explorer using a screen resolution of 800 x 600 and when I click on your navigation bar the secondary pages are shifted to the right and I have to scroll over>>>>>


It looks to me like the top of your logo is missing - isn't the red behind your name suppose to be a dot? There's no top to the circle so it doesn't really look like a dot - more like a price tag.


I think you should have some text and products on page one - something to make me interested to click further. Maybe a featured product in a box on the left column if you want to keep the photo as is.


I would make your left column wider so the category names aren't split on two lines


The quick find box is too much - there are simpler searches


Why us? Shouldn't you put a question mark there?


I think you still have some work to do on the subcategory pages - need images.


It's good to see something different - good work

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Hi, something I regard as quite urgent is the huge size of your pictures. The main picture on the main page is around 190kb in size. This picture would take for dialup user at the very least 34 seconds to load up and as it is a gif animation it will probably take longer. I can't vouch for any other images on your site because there aren't any product images as far as I can see.


Installing an autothumbnailer contribution like "On the fly autothumbnailer with GD Library" will solve this problem for most of your images.


Be aware though that if this isn't addressed you will lose many customers. Your site is eating up a lot of bandwith and I am struggling even on my 1.5Mps cable connection.


Kind Regards,




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I don't see anything different here, the site is all over the place in firefox and needs a good bit of attention to alignment, images are too big for some items and too small for others which makes the page messy, it would be better to have a more uniform feel to the images.


the information pages text needs a container to wrap itself in instead of having all the text on onw line which has to be scrolled many times.



There is more but I do not have the time just now to list.

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Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.

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I would like to thank 241, peterpil19, dandelion for you comments on my site I appreciate the feed back greatly. I will address these issues as soon as possible.


One thing peterpil19 how can I cut down one the load time for the site and a the same time keep the overall look


If anyone has more comments about the site and how to improve it please tell me


Thank you again,

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I've Just gone to your site and get the following error:


Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in D:\hshome\oman500\reddotspecial.com\includes\functions\database.php on line 44


Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in D:\hshome\oman500\reddotspecial.com\includes\functions\sessions.php on line 37


Warning: Unknown(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time. in Unknown on line 0

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See, that’s just the thing, im working on making the site more user friendly and faster but it seems not to work. The site is to slow and while im trying to make it faster, I really don’t know how or what to do.


If anyone can help me, I would appreciate it.




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Thank you Mediajuggle for pointing that out to me. I honestly didnt know my site was doing that.I have fixed the problem though and would like to thank you for taking the time out to look at my site and telling me there was a problem.



its red and its spectatular

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The product_info.php page looks like the screenshots Mediajuggle posted, except I'm using W2k and Firefox.

Please use the forums for support! I am happy to help you here, but I am unable to offer free technical support over instant messenger or e-mail.

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