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Extra Product fields from dropdown?


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I have added 8 new fields in my product description using 'add new product fields' contribution by Stuart Laurence (http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,2779)


What would be useful for shoppers is to find the product(s) by selecting the fields from 8 dropdown menus from 'Find a product' page, e.g.


Your looking for a bowl


dropdown1 is TYPE- ceramic, glass, plastic etc.

dropdown2 is SHAPE- round. square, triangular etc.

dropdown3 is SIZE- small. med, large etc.

dropdown4 is COLOUR - clear, red, green, blue etc.

ect. ect


and a 'GO' button at the bottom, and it would return a list of bowls which matched the selection.


My PHP skills are not good enough to do this, but it's something I could really do with!

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