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Error in checkout


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Tried doing a search, but apparantly "line 29" is naughty word for the search engine.


Tried doing a test checkout today, and after choosing paypal to pay, i got this:



Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: ot_shipping in /homepages/43/d114531006/htdocs/talllikeme/includes/classes/order_total.php on line 29



Any idea what the hell that is?


ot_shipping.php can be found in "includes\modules\order totals" it basically takes information from your installed shipping modules and calculates shipping, tax etc as part of the checkout proceedure.


Thanks. Wasn't quite what I was getting at though.


You cant' check out at the moment, because as soon as you do it gives you that message, regardless of payment option.


Any idea how i can fix that error?


Still think it's shipping related.


The only reference to ot_shipping I have ever seen in osCommerce, relates to "ot_shipping.php".


Can't intantiate = Can't find


I'd check to make sure the file exists, and if it does I'd get rid of all the shipping options to see if that cures the problem. If the problem goes away reinstate your shipping options one at a time.


I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you were getting at.


You were right as well! The file was 0k, which is strange, as the directory where i unpacked it also has the file at 0k.


Very weird.


Thanks much for your help!


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