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The e-commerce.

Problems in general.php


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Have been working with OSCommerce for around 2months, so am starting to find my way around!!!

After installing OSC and uploading product details etc etc, all was well. Came into the office the next day and problems had emerged. I received the following message whenver I click on :

-Product notifications

-Review a product

-Tell a friend

Note that this is only occuring when using the links from the individual product pages.

The error message is as follows: -


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/security/public_html/shop/includes/languages/english.php:320) in /home/security/public_html/shop/includes/functions/general.php on line 29


Any suggestions??

Like I say, it worked, then without changing a thing, it didnt!!


Any help, very gratefully received

Russell Jones



if it's the first error showing "headers already sent" is usually due to white space in whatever file/s you have been modifying. Check at the bottom of the file/s that after the closing ?> tag that there are no more lines after it.

This can also occur if there is space at the top of the page before the opening <?php



line1. Has nothing

line2. <?php


or at the end ?>

after there are more lines with nothing in them





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