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The e-commerce.

able2buy - display monthly price


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I am looking to integrate the able2buy contribution on my website.

At the same time I wanted to display montly cost to purchase an Item.


Amount - ?209

Monthly Cost - ?7.91 a month

a bit like they have it working on this website -

Click Here


the java code that I have is:

<script LANGUAGE=JavaScript>

 function runCalc(code,amount,rid,deposit)
  var screenX=screen.width;
  var screenY=screen.height;
  var winWidth=440;
  var winHeight=320;

  var topX=(screenX/2) - (winWidth / 2);
  var topY=(screenY/2) - (winHeight / 2);

  newWin = window.open("","Wait","width="+winWidth+",height="+winHeight+", left="+topX+",top="+topY);


***You require a valid credit scheme code(cgid) for your account, the value of credit you require and your retailer id (id).


Can some one help me put this code into our product_info.php and also for it to display with product special offers on the home page.


Appreciate any help in this matter.



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  • 2 weeks later...
I am looking to integrate the able2buy contribution on my website.

At the same time I wanted to display montly cost to purchase an Item.


Amount - ?209

Monthly Cost - ?7.91 a month

a bit like they have it working on this website -

Click Here


the java code that I have is:

<script LANGUAGE=JavaScript>

 function runCalc(code,amount,rid,deposit)
  var screenX=screen.width;
  var screenY=screen.height;
  var winWidth=440;
  var winHeight=320;

  var topX=(screenX/2) - (winWidth / 2);
  var topY=(screenY/2) - (winHeight / 2);

  newWin = window.open("","Wait","width="+winWidth+",height="+winHeight+", left="+topX+",top="+topY);


***You require a valid credit scheme code(cgid) for your account, the value of credit you require and your retailer id (id).


Can some one help me put this code into our product_info.php and also for it to display with product special offers on the home page.


Appreciate any help in this matter.




Just added the code to display the price which is fine but the value is being displayed as ?0

<td class="pageHeading" align="right" valign="top">Or <?php echo $products_price*0.03674; ?> per month</td>


can some one help me display the correct value on screen on product_info.php


Thanks in advance.


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