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Changed index.php, and getting an error.


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My church is using osCommerce 2.2 - MS2. I need help! How do I fix these things?


I modified the page text for the home page on our store.


I went to the file found this way [path to catalog]/includes/languages/english/index.php


I changed the default text.


Now my title, which used to read "What's New Here?" reads "HEADING_TITLE".


Where the text is supposed to be, it reads "TEXT_MAIN".


And there is an error at the top of the page that reads: Parse error: parse error in /home/newgrace.org/www/store/includes/languages/english/index.php on line 13


The code on the page is below:




$Id: index.php,v 1.1 2003/06/11 17:38:00 hpdl Exp $


osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Copyright © 2003 osCommerce


Released under the GNU General Public License



define('TEXT_MAIN', 'We are so glad you decided to visit our store. Take a few minutes to browse our catalog... you'll like what you see.');

define('TABLE_HEADING_NEW_PRODUCTS', 'New Products For %s');

define('TABLE_HEADING_UPCOMING_PRODUCTS', 'Upcoming Products');

define('TABLE_HEADING_DATE_EXPECTED', 'Date Expected');


if ( ($category_depth == 'products') || (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id'])) ) {

define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Let's See What We Have Here');

define('TABLE_HEADING_IMAGE', '');

define('TABLE_HEADING_MODEL', 'Model');

define('TABLE_HEADING_PRODUCTS', 'Product Name');

define('TABLE_HEADING_MANUFACTURER', 'Manufacturer');

define('TABLE_HEADING_QUANTITY', 'Quantity');

define('TABLE_HEADING_PRICE', 'Price');

define('TABLE_HEADING_WEIGHT', 'Weight');

define('TABLE_HEADING_BUY_NOW', 'Buy Now');

define('TEXT_NO_PRODUCTS', 'There are no products to list in this category.');

define('TEXT_NO_PRODUCTS2', 'There is no product available from this manufacturer.');

define('TEXT_NUMBER_OF_PRODUCTS', 'Number of Products: ');

define('TEXT_SHOW', '<b>Show:</b>');

define('TEXT_BUY', 'Buy 1 \'');

define('TEXT_NOW', '\' now');

define('TEXT_ALL_CATEGORIES', 'All Categories');

define('TEXT_ALL_MANUFACTURERS', 'All Manufacturers');

} elseif ($category_depth == 'top') {

define('HEADING_TITLE', 'What\'s New Here?');

} elseif ($category_depth == 'nested') {

define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Categories');




Thanks for any assistance you can give me.



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Greetings again-


I forgot to list the website: www.newgrace.org/store


Also, I noticed that the text frame that has new items reads "TABLE_HEADING_NEW_PRODUCTS" instead of New Products.


Thanks again for any help you can give me in repairing these things.


Have a wonderfully blessed day!



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Hi, it's a simple error, but one that gave me a headache when I first started using osCommerce too.


You see where you've used appostrophes in your words? for example where you have said: [Let's] see what we have here? Also in your text-main you have used the word you'll?


Well, osCommerce treats ' as code, so where you have an appostrophe you'll have to insert a " \".


For example,








Do that everytime you use an apostrophe in a sentance.


This should fix your parse problem!


Kind Regards,




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Thanks again for the tip.


I was trying to upload photos, and some of them kept saying the image was unavailable, but the name of the photo would appear under the image unavailable spot.


When I looked at the ones that didn't load, the titles that I had given them all had apostrophes in them.


I renamed them, without the apostrophe, and they all uploaded fine!


Thanks again.



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