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configure.php permissions won't stick


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No matter how many times I change the /catalog/includes/configure.php permissions to 444, as soon as i reload the catalogue landinging page, /catalog/includes/configure.php's permissions snap back to 644 and I get the warning at the top of the site. If i change the permissions to 000, they snap to 600 on page reload. Happens w/a fantastico install and a manual install. I'm utterly baffled. help!



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If you are trying to do this via FTP then be aware that the chmod function in FTP only works on Apache web servers using a Unix or Linux operating system. It definitely will not work on Windows.


If you haven't already done so then use the File Manager in your web hosting control panel to set the permissions.



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It definitely will not work on Windows.


Its a linux server, and furthermore I use Mac OSX, so permissions I set on my development files are preserved when I upload. I have other large permissions-picky applications running on the server (Xoops, multiple installs of wordpress, etc) and have never had problems setting permissions for components of those setups.


Its clearly an OSCommerce-specific issue, I just don't know what to do about it.

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Just for kicks, I did as you suggested anyway and it solved the problem. I have *no idea* why... its a linux server, my ftp program has no problem setting other files' permissions. Odd! But it works now! Much thanks for the quick response.

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As a Mac user you just have to get used to these little things :D


I have one here for browser compatibility testing - but I'd never think of using it for day to day work, way too klunky!


I have another 'puter running Kubuntu (Linux install) and this is better than the Mac system.



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