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Spam Emails


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I am receiveing aolt of spam email through and they are getting out of control. The problem is that no matter what you put in front of @mywebaddress seems to get through even if it is not setup on my account.


You can put breast@mywebsite, rekljgjh@mywebsite, anything you want and we receive it. How is this possible? Is there anything I can do about this?


Please help me to stop this before I go mad.

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Hi, your hosting provider should ideally have some sort of spam blocker. Usually, you can turn it on/off yourself. If you can't see an option to do so, or don't know if they do, make sure to ask your provider.


That's all I can think of, other then 1) accessing email via mail client like Microsoft Outlook, then install anti-spam software, 2) redirect your email to another email address that has spam filters, e.g. gmail.


Unfortunately, spam has a way of finding its way through everything. I'm getting tons of spam in my university staff email address and I'm pretty sure they have pretty good filters etc...


Good Luck, I hope you find a solution and remember, you are not the only one!




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