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PayPal WPP Direct Payments & Express Checkout Support


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I have a problem with the paypal express option. After I click express and go through with the paypal payment, it sends me back to the checkout_payment.php but it won't let me continue saying that I need to select a payment method Have you heard of this or what should I do?

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I have a problem with the paypal express option. After I click express and go through with the paypal payment, it sends me back to the checkout_payment.php but it won't let me continue saying that I need to select a payment method Have you heard of this or what should I do?


Did you replace checkout_payment.php with the one from this contribution? If not, you need to do so, or integrate all the changed sections into yours.



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I have installed your paypal web paymens pro module and followed the installation instructions correctly but when I do a test payment and the "confirm" button on the /checkout_confirmation.php page after a long delay of trying to load /checkout_process.php i get a 404 page not found error but /checkout_process.php is there where it is supposed to be...... any ideas? if you want to test it for yourself the url is www.securitechnology.com thanks

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I installed your contribution, but when testing my site I get the following error message:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: setopt() in /home/newleeim/public_html/nl1store/catalog/includes/modules/payment/paypal_wpp.php on line 324


I think that line 324 is:

324 $caller->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);

325 $caller->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 180);

326 $caller->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);


I verified that my host has curl installed.


I completed all install instructions and am using paypal's sandbox to test. I doubled checked and I installed all of the files in the correct location.


Can you you help me?


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I installed your contribution, but when testing my site I get the following error message:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: setopt() in /home/newleeim/public_html/nl1store/catalog/includes/modules/payment/paypal_wpp.php on line 324


I think that line 324 is:

324 $caller->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);

325 $caller->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 180);

326 $caller->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);


I verified that my host has curl installed.


I completed all install instructions and am using paypal's sandbox to test. I doubled checked and I installed all of the files in the correct location.


Can you you help me?






I found the answer in this forum. pleaes disregard.

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I am on a shared webserver - paypal recommends using their three-token authentication method - does this contribution support that? If so, please send directions. If not, please send any clues or specific pages if I decide to add it.

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Wow! I though I was finished with all necessary modules to integrate my paypal pro account into the

osCommerce store front. I read on Paypals site, if the 3 digit security code on the credit card is not

entered the transaction simply will not process although in the store front it appears to process just fine.

I guess then I need to also install a contribution to handle collection for that information.

I dont use coupons, gift certificates etc. Should I just install the ccvg (trad) contribution posted on

2 May?

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I have a PayPal pro account and have installed the PayPal Website Payment Pro v0.7.3.

I have a couple of problems I just can't seem to figure out. In my payment section if I go through a

PayPal direct payment option, the transaction will go right through and credit the amount in my paypal

account. However, the section above for credit card transactions does not show an entry for the credit

card 3 digit check number and I'm thinking I need to install the CCVG module for this section to work

correctly? Currently everything appears to work as far as the store front is concerned but the transaction

is not being processed.

My second problem is with the Express Checkout. If I select that option and login, when it comes up

with the delivery information page; the shipping address on the right side is missing. If I continue with

the checkout process and confirm the order I get the error ( Credit card was declined. Please try another

card or contact your bank. No response from the payment processor. No response was received from the

payment processor)

On the other hand if I check the change address button on the left side, I get kicked back to the paypal

login section.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

I did a dump and find an [errorcode]= 10417, however I cant seem to find any information about that

particular error code at the paypal site.


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I have a PayPal pro account and have installed the PayPal Website Payment Pro v0.7.3.

I have a couple of problems I just can't seem to figure out. In my payment section if I go through a

PayPal direct payment option, the transaction will go right through and credit the amount in my paypal

account. However, the section above for credit card transactions does not show an entry for the credit

card 3 digit check number and I'm thinking I need to install the CCVG module for this section to work

correctly? Currently everything appears to work as far as the store front is concerned but the transaction

is not being processed.

My second problem is with the Express Checkout. If I select that option and login, when it comes up

with the delivery information page; the shipping address on the right side is missing. If I continue with

the checkout process and confirm the order I get the error ( Credit card was declined. Please try another

card or contact your bank. No response from the payment processor. No response was received from the

payment processor)

On the other hand if I check the change address button on the left side, I get kicked back to the paypal

login section.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

I did a dump and find an [errorcode]= 10417, however I cant seem to find any information about that

particular error code at the paypal site.


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I figured out the problem with the Express Checkout. I read where paypal is very strict about comparing

shipping addresses. I went to my personal paypal account and found out I did not have a update address

there. I corrected it and the live transaction went right through with no problems what-so-ever.

On the delivery information page it still does not show the shipping address on the right side.

The only problem I have to still resolve is the credit card issue. I think I need to install the ccvg(trad) module

to capture the 3 digit code. Would still appreciate some feed back on this area.


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I figured out the problem with the Express Checkout. I read where paypal is very strict about comparing

shipping addresses. I went to my personal paypal account and found out I did not have a update address

there. I corrected it and the live transaction went right through with no problems what-so-ever.

On the delivery information page it still does not show the shipping address on the right side.

The only problem I have to still resolve is the credit card issue. I think I need to install the ccvg(trad) module

to capture the 3 digit code. Would still appreciate some feed back on this area.


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I feel soo foolish! The answer was right there looking at me. I just killed the credit card option in the osCommerce store front and you are correct, I can just use the paypal credit card handling functionality.

I have tested live and now all seems to work fine. Thanks for your help.

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Dynamo an issue just came up for me, wanted to know if you have ever heard of it.


I always check the info in any error dumps I receive. Normally it will be a declined card or incorrect address. Today it was "curl_exec error 6 Couldn't resolve host 'api-aa.paypal.com'". Now I assume this was just some one-time communications error between my host and PayPal - but I was reading around online and it seemed to me like curl_exec errors with WPP will happen randomly - do you know anything about this?


(Another thing that worries me is that this is the error that the customer saw as well)


I have been live for about 2 months with no previous issues like this.



Edited by giz286sim
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"Couldn't resolve host" is a DNS problem. That means it wasn't able to turn api-aa.paypal.com into an IP, so their DNS servers may have gone down for a minute.

Please use the forums for support! I am happy to help you here, but I am unable to offer free technical support over instant messenger or e-mail.

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"Couldn't resolve host" is a DNS problem. That means it wasn't able to turn api-aa.paypal.com into an IP, so their DNS servers may have gone down for a minute.



That's what I thought - wanted to make sure there weren't any settings that were changed on my server by my host.



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Hi everyone.


Dynamo, thanks for this contribution! It's awesome (even for newbies like me).


I've read through about 10 pages of this thread and see people touching on the subject, but never getting a clear-cut answer to it.


Right now, I'm using a test API w/ the sandbox account.


When I use Direct Payment, the order is shown in admin, but the paypal sandbox account that's supposed to receive money shows $0.00. I've triple checked the sandbox API absolute location, sandbox user, and sandbox password. I should be seeing an amount sent to that account right? NOTE: It does show the error that the card is declined though. I am using the one in the README file 4072 4972 0889 7267 12/09 000. Also, I tried the OSC "test" number (4111111111111111, any). I get a return e-mail w/ error (admin-side) stating that the card was declined.

For the amount of 0.00

*The total should have been ~$80.00

Is the total amount not being transmitted properly?


When using Express, I am using a verified account (per settings) and chose to use credit card to fund it. I am using the randomly generated number provided when adding a CC to the sandbox account. After returning to my site to pick shipping options and confirm, the declined message is displayed:

Error Your credit card was declined. Please try another card or contact your bank for more info.
No response from the payment processor
No response was received from the payment processor. Please contact the store owner for assistance.



Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by jkchang
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Has anyone found any issues between a customer checking out with a credit card then being able to change their billing and shipping addresses after they have confirmed with PayPal. I recently got a call from a customer that said that his credit card was used fraudelently. The particular order shows that the billing address was confirmed by PayPal (and shipping address = billing address), yet the order did not show the customers address as the billing address. This is still being investigated but my question is - did the fraudelent person change the customers billing address with his credit card company first or did he somehow verify the purchase using the customers address and then hacked into my website to change the address on the order. I have called Paypal but they would not confirm the address that was used to confirm the transaction (since they haven't yet recieved any chargeback requerst). I would hate to think that there is a loophole in the code that allows hackers to do this?

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I get this error after I downloaded and installed everything as state don the webpage:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_flatten_product_description() in /home/iseehdco/public_html/ecommerce/os/catalog/includes/modules/product_listing.php on line 104


It worked before I installed this module.


Any clues as to what is causing it?

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I fixed the error above but get this message when hitting the checkout with Paypal button:




If I try to use Direct Payment, I always get this error:


The credit card information you entered contains an error. Please check it and try again.


Any clue as to what is happening?


Tahnk you for your time and help,


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I'm planning to take the plunge and add WPP to my site. I notice that Paypal is listing this as USA only.


Can someone tell me what I might expect from overseas customer? Will they be able to pay, but not with a credit card? Or will this module prvent them from paying at all? Or is it simply that it is open to US account holders only - but customers are unaffected?


I appreciate any clarification you can offer.





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I forgot to replace the WSDL files for the sandbox (oops) so now I'm beyond the errors. However, I still have no fake funds being put into my account. Any ideas?


Since this is an isolated incident, I'd say this is more than likely a conflict with another contribution modifying the order total. What else do you have installed?



Has anyone found any issues between a customer checking out with a credit card then being able to change their billing and shipping addresses after they have confirmed with PayPal. I recently got a call from a customer that said that his credit card was used fraudelently. The particular order shows that the billing address was confirmed by PayPal (and shipping address = billing address), yet the order did not show the customers address as the billing address. This is still being investigated but my question is - did the fraudelent person change the customers billing address with his credit card company first or did he somehow verify the purchase using the customers address and then hacked into my website to change the address on the order. I have called Paypal but they would not confirm the address that was used to confirm the transaction (since they haven't yet recieved any chargeback requerst). I would hate to think that there is a loophole in the code that allows hackers to do this?


They wouldn't be able to break into your site through this module. If they entered an address that PayPal confirmed, then you'd have to ask PayPal about why they allowed it through. Since the only way to edit an order (assuming you don't have the order editor contrib installed) is to manually edit the database, it would be highly unlikely.



I get this error after I downloaded and installed everything as state don the webpage:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_flatten_product_description() in /home/iseehdco/public_html/ecommerce/os/catalog/includes/modules/product_listing.php on line 104


It worked before I installed this module.


Any clues as to what is causing it?


You deleted the function tep_flatten_product_description() while installing this contribution.



I fixed the error above but get this message when hitting the checkout with Paypal button:




If I try to use Direct Payment, I always get this error:


The credit card information you entered contains an error. Please check it and try again.


Any clue as to what is happening?


Tahnk you for your time and help,



You didn't copy all of the language files over. If you're entering 12345 for a credit card number, it's never going to work. Are you entering a real number or just pushing keys?


I'm planning to take the plunge and add WPP to my site. I notice that Paypal is listing this as USA only.


Can someone tell me what I might expect from overseas customer? Will they be able to pay, but not with a credit card? Or will this module prvent them from paying at all? Or is it simply that it is open to US account holders only - but customers are unaffected?


I appreciate any clarification you can offer.


It will accept payment from any of the supported PayPal countries, but only in USD. Support is iffy, though. SteveDallas seems to do a lot of international sales, so hopefully he'll pipe in about his experiences.

Please use the forums for support! I am happy to help you here, but I am unable to offer free technical support over instant messenger or e-mail.

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Since this is an isolated incident, I'd say this is more than likely a conflict with another contribution modifying the order total. What else do you have installed?

They wouldn't be able to break into your site through this module. If they entered an address that PayPal confirmed, then you'd have to ask PayPal about why they allowed it through. Since the only way to edit an order (assuming you don't have the order editor contrib installed) is to manually edit the database, it would be highly unlikely.

You deleted the function tep_flatten_product_description() while installing this contribution.

You didn't copy all of the language files over. If you're entering 12345 for a credit card number, it's never going to work. Are you entering a real number or just pushing keys?



I entered not one but several real credit card numbers, none of them worked. I also copied all of the language files over, a second time after you mentioned it to make sure that they all were there.


Thank you for your help.

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I'm planning to take the plunge and add WPP to my site. I notice that Paypal is listing this as USA only.


Can someone tell me what I might expect from overseas customer? Will they be able to pay, but not with a credit card? Or will this module prvent them from paying at all? Or is it simply that it is open to US account holders only - but customers are unaffected?


I appreciate any clarification you can offer.






The WPP product, which consists of two related services, is only available to US PayPal account holders. The credit card service (Direct Payments API) accepts cards from any of the 55 countries that PayPal supports. The list can be found here:




Customers are unaffected, to the extent that their cards are issued in one of the 55 PayPal approved countries. If not, you need a "real" merchant account.


The 55 countries represent about 62% of the world's population and about 85% of the world's purchasing power. The largest countries not represented are Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Russia, and Nigeria.


Geographically, their coverage breaks down as follows:

North America 100%

Europe 82% (The remainder is primarily eastern Europe)

South America 76%

Oceania 73%

Caribbean 41% (Puerto Rico is counted here)

Central America 10%

Africa 5%

Middle East 4%

(Based on population.)


(Population and GDP (purchasing power parity) numbers from the CIA World Factbook.)

There may be some errors, given that some areas are listed separately in the World Factbook, but the population banks in a PayPal approved country.



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