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PayPal WPP Direct Payments & Express Checkout Support


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@paulm844: This support thread only deals with this version of the PayPal Pro module: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,3647


PayPal's official version is based off of 0.7.3 of the linked contribution and has branched off to where I'm no longer familiar with it. All support requests regarding their version should be directed to PayPal as you'll get a faster and more reliable answer.


I can tell you that version 0.9.2 is highly stable and does not have the problem you describe above.

Please use the forums for support! I am happy to help you here, but I am unable to offer free technical support over instant messenger or e-mail.

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That's cc_validation throwing the error back at you. How many digits does that card number have?


it was a 16 digit visa... normal cr card, not debit or anything odd. The customer gave me a different card in the end, but neither of us could figure out why the original card would not work. I tried several times, even through the paypal vitual terminal. same error, so I am thinking its not this module at all, but something goofy at paypal?


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it was a 16 digit visa... normal cr card, not debit or anything odd. The customer gave me a different card in the end, but neither of us could figure out why the original card would not work. I tried several times, even through the paypal vitual terminal. same error, so I am thinking its not this module at all, but something goofy at paypal?


More like something goofy with the card. The card number seems to be failing the "mod 10" checksum test that is designed to catch most errors that people would make while keying in the card number.



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good day! i've recently installed the Paypal Website Payments Pro module for my oscommerce site, and i'm running into an odd error. when you enter credit card info, hit continue and see your confirmation, hitting confirm order takes you back to the credit card entry screen with no flag. it doesn't say you've entered incorrect info or anything. any idea as to where i might have messed up? i followed all included instructions, and it seemed to go flawlessly until now :(


thanks guys/gals!



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What does the wpp_diagnostics.php script tell you?


my apologies if this is newbish, but i'm not sure were to check that? i noticed it in the package you offered for download to install the script, but it was never uploaded.


once again, i'm sorry if this is REALLY basic... but i'm just getting my feet wet :)


thank you, dynamo!

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I had this module working fine on Godaddy shared hosting, but since have tranferred to aplus.net 's pro shared hosting. I'm receiving the following errors when both using express checkout and direct payment:


PayPal WPP installation incomplete! There should be XML files located in /home/u5/v032xtggvw/html/includes/wpp_xml/ !



Also, when running the diagnostic tool I get this:


Using at least PHP 4.3.0? Yes


Does your store have an SSL certificate installed and working? Yes


Is cURL installed? Yes


Does cURL work? (Simple HTTP test) No

Failed to connect to Permission denied (Error No. 7)



I emailed support, and they responded:


Please fill the form below in order to open outbound connection to remote site through our firewall:


1. Please provide us your registration number and domain name.

2. Specify the local script filename and location that is running on our server.

3. Provide us the remote IP address and port number which needs to be opened.

4. Explain what is the exact and detailed purpose for this connection.


Please note that our firewall is IP based and if the remote host is changing it's IP address then you need to notify us for the change, so we can update the firewall records



Best regards


So as I figured, outbound connections are default disabled, but it looks like they'll work with me here. I just need to know specifically what files from the module to list to them (all of them?) and of course the IP's and ports of whom I'm connecting to. Looking through the code I see references to https://api.paypal.com/2.0/ http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema , but no IP/ports. What should I tell them?

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Fixed virtual product checkout problem.

I have both regular products that needs to be shipped and virtual product (gift certificate) that doesn't need shipping. So here is what I did to make this work.

My problem was when only virtual product is being checked out paypal declines credit card saying no shipping information.




Right above: if($sendto != false)

Insert: $_SESSION['sendtostatus']=$sendto;




// Begin ShippingAddress --WILLBRAND //


if ($_SESSION['sendtostatus'] != false) { // add this line


$sat =& Services_PayPal::getType('AddressType');

$sat->setName($order->delivery['firstname'] . ' ' . $order->delivery['lastname']);








} // add this


// End ShippingAddress -- WILLBRAND //


//add following few lines uner it


if ($_SESSION['sendtostatus'] != false) { // add this line




}//add this

I'm not sure if this is right way to fix the problem, but for now it seems to be working without any problem. If anyone has better solution, please let me know.



I'm having the same problem with the virtual product (gift certificate) being purchased using version 0.9.2. When testing the purchase of a gift certificate using paypal direct payments with a credit card, I get the following:


Error #1: Invalid Data (10726)

There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a complete shipping address.


Error #2: Invalid Data (10727)

There's an error with this transaction. Please enter an address1 in the shipping address.


Error #3: Invalid Data (10728)

There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a city in the shipping address.


Error #4: Invalid Data (10731)

There's an error with this transaction. Please enter a country in the shipping address.


Any ideas on how to fix this for this version (0.9.2)?

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@jacenwon: Upload the wpp_diagnostics.php script to your website and open it in your web browser.


@Woburn: A lady hired me to install the module in her store and she's also an APlus customer. We've discovered that Aplus blocks all curl transactions unless you specifically request access to a specific IP address. That won't work for this module. Even though she requested that PayPal's live server IP be unblocked, they say they've done it but nothing has changed -- and that was on Thursday.


She's considering switching web hosts at this point. That is a good point about the port, though. They probably unblocked port 80 instead of port 443. The only file that uses curl is /includes/modules/payment/paypal_wpp.php


@beano: In /includes/modules/payment/paypal_wpp.php, try changing these lines:

		$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_NAME'] = '';
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS1'] = '';
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS2'] = '';
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_CITY'] = '';
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_STATE'] = '';
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_ZIP'] = '';
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_COUNTRY'] = '';


to this:

		$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_NAME'] = $order->billing['firstname'] . ' ' . $order->billing['lastname'];
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS1'] = $order->billing['street_address'];
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS2'] = $order->billing['suburb'];
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_CITY'] = $order->billing['city'];
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_STATE'] = $order->billing['state'];
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_ZIP'] = $order->billing['postcode'];
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_COUNTRY'] = $order->billing['country']['iso_code_2'];


and tell me if that works.

Edited by dynamoeffects

Please use the forums for support! I am happy to help you here, but I am unable to offer free technical support over instant messenger or e-mail.

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Firstly thanks to dynamo and others on the forum, I've googled plenty help from here over the past couple of weeks. Can't seem to crack this last issue tho.

I get a PayPal "Order total is invalid" (10426) error either at submitting checkout_confirmation.php or using the EC paypal button. I've googled 10426 errors, and they mostly seem related to currency or rounding discrepancies. I am using GBP, but that seems sound.


Would greatly appreciate any help or suggestions to fix this. Our store is feature complete and this is essentially the only thing holding us back from trading.




  1. oscommerce-2.2ms2-060817
  2. custom theme
  3. register_globals compatability layer from oscommerce-2.2rc1
  4. paypal_wpp_0.9.2


  • HTTP @ www.mycooldomain.com (redhat, php4.4.7)
  • HTTPS @ sharedsslprovider.com/userspace (WinNT, php4.3.1)

Other Stuff:

  • Dynamo's wpp_diagnostics.php comes back all green
  • register_globals is off
  • sessions.php, 150 ,session_write_close() gives a warning that I have @'d out, don't know if this is relevant
  • I'm in the UK so am using GBP, Switch/Solo, VAT etc

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@eze: Perform this modification and post the results minus any passwords or credit card information.



Please use the forums for support! I am happy to help you here, but I am unable to offer free technical support over instant messenger or e-mail.

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@eze: Perform this modification and post the results minus any passwords or credit card information.




Thanks for the quick response. Made the change, tho I had to echo the data out rather than email it.. my tep_email are still bust too. :-"


The data XXX'd out is just names, CC numbers and email addresses, which all seemed to be correct.


Order placed on July 17, 2007, 12:05 pm by XXXX (ID: 11)
Phone: 0123456789 -- 
Email: [email protected]      
XX XXXXX Place Bristol Bristol BS8 4UA GB   
6" Glowstick0.0032{1}16 ()2     
[email protected]
XX XXXXX Place Bristol Bristol BS8 4UA GB


TRANSACTION RESPONSE: 2007-07-17T11:01:04ZFailure93cb3d3375cd7
Invalid Data
This transaction cannot be processed.
The amount to be charged is zero.

Edited by eze
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If you do it that way, you need to View Source and copy it that way.


What is the normal price of that product? Did you include the checkout_process.php modification?

Please use the forums for support! I am happy to help you here, but I am unable to offer free technical support over instant messenger or e-mail.

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If you do it that way, you need to View Source and copy it that way.


What is the normal price of that product? Did you include the checkout_process.php modification?


OK View Source renders this:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
   <RequesterCredentials xmlns="urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI">
     <Credentials xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">

   <DoDirectPaymentReq xmlns="urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI">
       <Version xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">2.0</Version>
       <DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">

           <OrderTotal currencyID="GBP">0.00</OrderTotal>
           <OrderDescription>Order placed on July 17, 2007, 12:05 pm by XXX (ID: 11)</OrderDescription>
           <ItemTotal currencyID="GBP">0</ItemTotal>
           <ShippingTotal currencyID="GBP">0</ShippingTotal>

           <HandlingTotal currencyID="GBP"></HandlingTotal>
           <TaxTotal currencyID="GBP">0</TaxTotal>
           <Custom>Phone: 0123456789 -- Email: [email protected]</Custom>

             <PostalCode>BS8 4UA</PostalCode>

           <PaymentDetailsItem><Name>6" Glowstick</Name><Amount currencyID="GBP">0.00</Amount><Number>32{1}16 ()</Number><Quantity>2</Quantity></PaymentDetailsItem>
             <Payer>[email protected]</Payer>


               <PostalCode>BS8 4UA</PostalCode>





Normal Price: UK £0.99 inc VAT @ 17.5%


When I enter 0.99 into OsCommerce admin however it renders the following as the prices:


Products Price (Net): 0.8426

Products Price (Gross): 0.9901




If by checkout_process.php modification you mean the following, then yes that is included:


//---PayPal WPP Modification START ---//
 //Fixes Bug#1629: [url="http://www.oscommerce.com/community/bugs,1629"]http://www.oscommerce.com/community/bugs,1629[/url]
 require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'order_total.php');
 $order_total_modules = new order_total;

 $order_totals = $order_total_modules->process();

// load the before_process function from the payment modules
//---PayPal WPP Modification END ---//

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@jacenwon: Upload the wpp_diagnostics.php script to your website and open it in your web browser.


@Woburn: A lady hired me to install the module in her store and she's also an APlus customer. We've discovered that Aplus blocks all curl transactions unless you specifically request access to a specific IP address. That won't work for this module. Even though she requested that PayPal's live server IP be unblocked, they say they've done it but nothing has changed -- and that was on Thursday.


She's considering switching web hosts at this point. That is a good point about the port, though. They probably unblocked port 80 instead of port 443. The only file that uses curl is /includes/modules/payment/paypal_wpp.php


@beano: In /includes/modules/payment/paypal_wpp.php, try changing these lines:

		$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_NAME'] = '';
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS1'] = '';
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS2'] = '';
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_CITY'] = '';
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_STATE'] = '';
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_ZIP'] = '';
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_COUNTRY'] = '';


to this:

		$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_NAME'] = $order->billing['firstname'] . ' ' . $order->billing['lastname'];
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS1'] = $order->billing['street_address'];
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS2'] = $order->billing['suburb'];
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_CITY'] = $order->billing['city'];
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_STATE'] = $order->billing['state'];
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_ZIP'] = $order->billing['postcode'];
	$order_info['PAYPAL_SHIPPING_COUNTRY'] = $order->billing['country']['iso_code_2'];


and tell me if that works.



Thanks for the quick reply. Unfortunately the above didn't work.

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@jacenwon: Upload the wpp_diagnostics.php script to your website and open it in your web browser.


no dice dynamo. when i uploaded the wpp_diagnostics.php to my catalog directory, and tried accessing it through the browser, it just sits and thinks for about 5 minutes... then says it can't find the page. i'm pointing the browser directly to it as well. i have no idea why it won't register.


i even tried another transaction... same "loop" malfunction - upon clicking on confirm order, it takes you back to the payment info screen :(

Edited by jacenwon
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Hey all i'm having a similar Issue Error received: 35: error:14094418:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert unknown ca I get in my File ec_diagnostics.php I have been trying to fallow whats going on here to fix this issue but i've not been sucessful



can anyone help me out I am dealing wiht stricktly US funds




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Hi all,



I am using Paypal contribution made by dynamo effects for a while and there is no problem in recieveing payments or any other sort.

But today I recieved one email from Paypal I am really very confused now, please help me and advise what should I do.





Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment Notifications (IPN). Instant Payment Notifications sent to the following URL(s) are failing:




If you do not recognize this URL, you may be using a service provider that is using IPN on your behalf. Please contact your service provider with the above information. If this problem continues, IPNs may be disabled for your account.


Thank you for your prompt attention to this issue.






We set Aspx based test website and We put this link in paypal account. but we were always using oscommerce based store and never need to do any thing with IPN, so totally forgot about this link.


now please advise me what should I do , do i have to put my oscommerce based php IPN LINK in paypal IPN section or should I disable this or leave as it is.


if i have to put oscommerece IPN link , please advise what is a link.



thanks for any helps.





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Thanks for the quick reply. Unfortunately the above didn't work.


Greetings dynamo,


Here's an update on the Virtual Products purchase with PayPal WPP 0.92.


The fix that you originally suggested works! At least with one of the CCGV mods. I initially tested it with CCGV(trad) and reported that

your fix didn't work which it didn't. However I had reason to believe that there was some other issue with the CCGV(trad) mod

because I was getting order emails of virtual products with the Delivery Address heading (which should not have been the

case with virtual products). I posted that issue in the appropriate forum but at last look there had not been a response.


In anycase, I uninstalled CCGV(trad) and installed the CCGV 5.16+ fixes mod (I had installed this one on a couple other sites) and voila, the order email doesn't show the Delivery Address heading and there's no problem purchasing with a credit card.


Thanks again.

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i am getting this error


2006 - MySQL server has gone away


insert into orders (customers_id, customers_name, customers_company, customers_street_address, customers_suburb, customers_city, customers_postcode, customers_state, customers_country, customers_telephone, customers_email_address, customers_address_format_id, delivery_name, delivery_company, delivery_street_address, delivery_suburb, delivery_city, delivery_postcode, delivery_state, delivery_country, delivery_address_format_id, billing_name, billing_company, billing_street_address, billing_suburb, billing_city, billing_postcode, billing_state, billing_country, billing_address_format_id, payment_method, cc_type, cc_owner, cc_number, cc_expires, date_purchased, orders_status, currency, currency_value) values ('6', 'sam ss', 'possible', '526r e er t', 'dw', 'shertre', '21123', 'mh', 'India', '98901032323', '[email protected]', '1', 'sam ss', 'possible', '526r e er t', 'dw', 'shertre', '21123', 'mh', 'India', '1', 'sam ss', 'possible', '526r e er t', 'dw', 'shertre', '21123', 'mh', 'India', '1', 'Credit Card', 'Visa', 'sam ss', '4111XXXXXXXX1111', '0208', now(), '1', 'USD', '1.00000000')




2006 - MySQL server has gone away


select count(*) as total from sessions where sesskey = 'c31c4c95daf34dc17ef3745b4009be27'





can anyone please guidem e how to rectify it?




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@eze: None of your product prices are coming through for some reason. In your checkout_process.php script, find these lines:

//---PayPal WPP Modification START ---//
//Fixes Bug#1629: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/bugs,1629
require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'order_total.php');
$order_total_modules = new order_total;

$order_totals = $order_total_modules->process();

// load the before_process function from the payment modules
//---PayPal WPP Modification END ---//


and change them to this:

//---PayPal WPP Modification START ---//
//Fixes Bug#1629: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/bugs,1629
require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'order_total.php');
$order_total_modules = new order_total;

$order_totals = $order_total_modules->process();


// load the before_process function from the payment modules
//---PayPal WPP Modification END ---//


Then post the results here. That way I can create a similar product to recreate this error.


@jacenwon: I've discovered that some servers won't report that it's in SSL mode the same as others. In wpp_diagnostics.php, near the top, change this line:


if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 1) {


to this:


if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != "on") {


or you can just comment out that whole block if you're sure your SSL certificate works.



@mwtnetworks: You can't use a live certificate in sandbox mode and vice versa. Make sure that you uploaded your certificate in ascii mode.


@samiirds: Are you a GoDaddy user? http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/gone-away.html I suggest creating a separate thread for this problem because it is not related to this module.

Please use the forums for support! I am happy to help you here, but I am unable to offer free technical support over instant messenger or e-mail.

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dynamoeffects or anyone please anser me of my problem as sooon u can






Hi all,

I am using Paypal contribution made by dynamo effects for a while and there is no problem in recieveing payments or any other sort.

But today I recieved one email from Paypal I am really very confused now, please help me and advise what should I do.





Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment Notifications (IPN). Instant Payment Notifications sent to the following URL(s) are failing:




If you do not recognize this URL, you may be using a service provider that is using IPN on your behalf. Please contact your service provider with the above information. If this problem continues, IPNs may be disabled for your account.


Thank you for your prompt attention to this issue.




We set Aspx based test website and We put this link in paypal account. but we were always using oscommerce based store and never need to do any thing with IPN, so totally forgot about this link.


now please advise me what should I do , do i have to put my oscommerce based php IPN LINK in paypal IPN section or should I disable this or leave as it is.


if i have to put oscommerece IPN link , please advise what is a link.

thanks for any helps.





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hi dynamoeffects,


thanks for your reply,


the error occurs only when i try to check out,

all other oscommerce functions go smooth.


and the error came up after i added the contribution.


well thank for the reply.



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@zeeshop: Just clear out the IPN URL in your PayPal settings.


@samiirds: That error means that your MySQL server is timing out while the payment is being processed, which means that your MySQL server settings need to be modified. You need to contact your host about increasing the length of time before it times out.

Please use the forums for support! I am happy to help you here, but I am unable to offer free technical support over instant messenger or e-mail.

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